The Return of Madi Grace
Sorry. I dunno what's up with the title. I just jump at the chance to make things as dramatic as possible. No excuse for me. [...]
Sorry. I dunno what's up with the title. I just jump at the chance to make things as dramatic as possible. No excuse for me. [...]
Hey guys! Just wanted to post a super quick notice that everything -- replying to comments, publishing posts, etc. -- is put on hold because we [...]
I have a lovely little book called God's Promises for Your Every Need. Its pages are filled with powerful verses from the Word of God [...]
Yep, another review. XD I finished Structuring Your Novel by K.M. Weiland about an hour ago. (Back-to-back reviews -- yes, I know. Bear with me, friends. I've [...]
Hey, guys! I am going to attempt to act professional because I must send this link to K.M. Weiland. But because everyone knows I'm only professional [...]
A couple weeks late again, but hey, defying time boundaries and common sense is my speciality. I was super psyhced to participate in Camp NaNo [...]
Good morning, afternoon, or evening. It is us -- a legion of goat assassins and a division of the Murder Madi Corp -- out to end the [...]