It’s going so fast! *sniffs*
I can’t wait for the finale. *rubs hands excitedly*

Oh, and the conference ended yesterday! It. Was. Amazing.

My favorite evangelist (well, besides my dad š ), Jonathan Shuttlesworth, showed up there and rocked. the. house. multiple mornings! There he is in the picture above. Russell Evans from Planetshakers came, too. It was awesome!
Alright. Moving on. The ninth way to kick the devil’s butt in your everyday life is to…
What is praise and worship?
I will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
The dictionary definition of praise is…
to express one’s respect and gratitude toward [someone]
When we praise God, we’re expressingĀ our respect and our gratitude toward Him (gratitude = thankfulness). We’re thanking Him for what He’s done for us, and let me tell you — He’s done so much more than we could ever praise Him enough for!
The dictionary definitionĀ of worship is…
to show reverence and adoration for [someone]
Reverence = respect; adoration = adoring
Worship is just a little deeper than praise. If you listen to a worship song, you’ll notice it is generally a little slower than a praise song.
How do we use this to kick the devil’s butt?
In the morning, noon, night, in church, out of church, driving down the road, in the shower, reading this blog post right now! It just has to come out ofĀ our mouths. We have to open it and beginĀ to praise.
When we grumble, gripe, complain, criticize, and say things that contradict the Word of God, we create an atmosphere where the devil can come into our lives. Our words can release the power of darkness into our lives, so we must be careful about what we say (Proverbs 18:21). I mentioned a little of this on the first way to kick the devil’s butt in your everyday life.
It’s hard to praise when we’re grumbling, griping, complaining, or criticizing. Every time we open our mouths, we can either praise or complain. When we do praise, we release words into the atmosphere that the devil can’t stand.
When I taught about this in a sermon I didĀ called The Weapons of our Warfare, and I said this: “When we use this and all the other weapons, the devil has no power over our lives!” … so when we use this to kick the devil’s butt along with all these other ways, the devil has no power over our lives!
How does it benefit us?
You mean kicking the devil’s butt benefits us? YES!
Did you know that in Heaven, we’ll be praising the Lord all the time? That means when we praise Him here on earth, we’re releasingĀ the divine atmosphere of Heaven into our lives, as well as the very presence of God! God always responds to those who are hungry according to…
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
With praise comes joy! That’s why the devil hates it. You think he likes it when you get full of joy? No way! Why? Because Nehemiah 8:10 says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Even in the hardest times of your life, if you can get full of joy, you’re gonna make it through, kicking the devil’s butt all the way.Ā ?Ā He cannot stop you.
Look at Psalm 34:1 again!
I will bless the Lord at all times, and his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Did you know that praising and worshipping the Lord not only blesses Him, it also blesses us?
My pastor praught preachedĀ some on the subject of praise and worship yesterday, which confirmed this message on my heart to share today. My pastor’s granddaughter mentioned that when you listen to most songs that are not praise or worshipĀ songs, you can feel the depression on them. They’re not full of the joy of the Lord or thankful to Him and what He’s done. I’m glad my phone is not filled with worldly, sinful, depressing music. I don’t want to listen to stuff that drains me.
But when we begin praising and worshipping the Lord, we’re full of joy and are blessed! Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on the LordĀ because he trusts in the Him. When we’re focused on God and not on our problems, the devil better watch out! When we keep our eyes on God and and the great places we’re headed (because where we are right now is not where we’re going to say), oh man. The devil’s not going to know what to do with this generation of devil butt-kickers!
So let’s praise the Lord and kick some devil butt!
Do you love to praise the Lord? Have you ever heard of Planetshakers? They have some super cool praise music. What are some of your favorite praise and worship songs?
I was out in our front yard watching some sprinklers today when I heard a tiny voice. “Hey! Hey!”
I turned around, not seeing anyone.
“Hey! Heeeeey!” The voice squealed again.
When a nearby branch whacked me in the face, I jumped back with a “woah!” Peering closer,Ā I noticed aĀ tiny little cream-colored spider wrapping up a helpless victim was laughing at having startled me.
“What was that for?” I demanded.
The spider shrugged two of its eight little legs. “Sorry. You’re Madi, right?”
I nodded, wondering how the spider knew my name.
“Tell all of your online friends Happy Memorial Day. You can’t forget that today.”
I gawked at the spider, dumbfounded. I had forgotten to add a Happy Memorial Day wish when I typed up my Mondays with Madi post. “You’re right. Thanks for reminding me.” Then a curious thought struck me as aĀ nearby sprinkler soaked theĀ seat of my pants. “How do you know it’s Memorial Day? You’re a spider.”
The spider grinnedĀ at me, pointing to its webbed victim. “Besides the flag you have hanging outside your house, I fought a long war with this little bug so I could eat it. I’m a veteran.”
Thank you!
Wonderful Madi! Worship and praise happens to be my favorite method for antagonizing the devil. š I LOVE to sing to our Savior!
And the spider… I don’t even know. š Happy Memorial Day to you, too! š <3
Thanks, Kendall! Praise and worship is so, so powerful! ?
LOL! XD Thanks! <3 :D
lol, that spider. XD
I CONSTANTLY have a song in my head, and half of the time its a praise or worship song! (the other half its a folk song, or a disney princess song, but thats not important right now) I never really think much about it, I just sing it, (or hum it) throughout my day. and in the rare moments when I’m foucased, its still playing quietly in the backround. which can be really anoying when I can only remember the chorus. XD
Most crazily, ~Olive
Indeed. XD
Ohh, that’s so awesome! Sometimes a random praise and worship song will get stuck in my head and I belt it out all day (much to the chagrin of the ears around me ;)) And same! It’s so annoying when you can only remember the chorus. XD
HAHA! Happy Memorial Day indeed! <3
Happy (belated) Memorial Day to you, too! <3
Awww haha that ‘p.s’ ending was so cute X’D great post, Madi!
XD Thanks so much!
Great post, Madi! I loved the spider reminder. ;D
Thanks, Chloe! Tehehe ;D
This was wonderful, praise and worship is a must in the Christian’s life! š No, I haven’t heard of Planetshakers. š They sound cool though! š Some of my favorite songs are “Amazing Grace”, “Rock of Ages”, “Ring the Bells of Heaven” and lots more! š
I loved the spider story, it was so creative and cool! Remembering our military on Memorial Day is so important! š
It truly is! š Planetshakers is really awesome! Their music is very upbeat and cool-sounding, so I’d think you’d like them! š Ohh, I LOVE “Amazing Grace”! Haha! š
Haha, thank you so much! It definitely is! š
Hey Madi, I also nominated you for the sunshine blogger award (I don’t know if you saw yet, but I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award for your other blog)! Congrats! The requirements are on my blog:
Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! That means SO much! You’re so sweet to think of me!! š
This. Is. Hilarious.
P.S. I followed you!
You. Are. So awesome to comment.
P.S. AWW, thank you SO much! š
How. Do. You. Understand. Spiders.
P.S. You’re totally welcome.
I. Don’t. Know. But. I. Somehow. Did. XD
Ha. Ha. Very. Funny.
The spider made the post. š
Spider: I know. You are epic for noticing. ?
Thank you so much! This was just what I needed! Some of my favorite praise and worship songs are Give Me Words To Speak by Aaron Shust, Your Love by Brandon Heath, and Rise by Danny Gokey.
And LOL, that spider is hilarious!
That encourages me so much! I’m so glad! Jesus is amazing! Ohh, those songs sound absolutely awesome!
Spider: I know. Thank you. ?
I love praise and worship š There’s something about praise and worship music that stands out. There’s no empty words. I have not heard of the Planet Shakers but i’ll check that out! Have you heard of Elevation Worship by any chance? One of my favorite songs they wrote is called ” Do It Again ” .
P.S. I’m laughing my head off!
Me too! And AMEN.
I love Elevation Worship! I forget what the song is called, but my favorite song of theirs goes like “Your Kingdom come / Your will be done / here as in Heaven // a miracle can happen now / for the Spirit of the Lord is here” I forget what it’s called though. XD
P.S. YAY! ??
I love praise and worship music it makes me so happy! I especially love When the fight calls (by Hillsong Young and Free) and Chasing You (by Bethel Music). I usually put on a playlist of my favorite songs or K-Love (a Christian radio station) while I do whatever I’m doing.
Me, too! It really does! And I LOVE Hillsong Young and Free, and Chasing You is an epically awesome song! And that’s so awesome!
I nominated you for the vlogging tag!
Awww thank you so much! š