17 Epic Strategies for Preaching the Gospel
95% of Christians never tell another person about Jesus. I still can't wrap my mind around that. How in the world? My eyes burn with [...]
95% of Christians never tell another person about Jesus. I still can't wrap my mind around that. How in the world? My eyes burn with [...]
I just guest-posted on Young Ladies for Christ. It would mean the world to me if you checked the post out right here! Here's a [...]
95% of Christians never tell another person about Jesus. Isn't that horrifying? They know the way to Heaven, the Answer to all life's problems, their [...]
3,125 people died this last hour. A total of 75,000 people are going to die today. 75,000 people are going to die tomorrow. And the [...]
On the first Good Friday, the Pharisees, Saducees, Couldn't-Sees and Wouldn't-Sees thought He was dead. The disciples thought He was dead. The world thought, Jesus is [...]
On Friday, I went to see the recent film Paul: Apostle of Christ. I thought a Christian teen's perspective on the movie would be interesting in [...]
It was a dark and stormy night... Wait, no it wasn't. It was just dark and humid. And it wasn't night, it was morning. Trying [...]