95% of Christians never tell another person about Jesus.
Isn’t that horrifying? They know the way to Heaven, the Answer to all life’s problems, their Best Friend; and yet they’re too chicken to tell another soul about it.
These are the 17 most common excuses people use to justify their silence, and I’m going to debunk every single one of them today… with Scripture.
I’m the shyest person there is. I actually have to be bribed to talk to my own grandparents.
So how am I able to walk up to total strangers, witness to Muslims, speak to entire parties, and get up and preach before thousands of people and millions on live television?
That’s not my own ability. It’s only by the boldness of the Holy Ghost.
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me… to the end of the earth.
(Acts 1:8)
Shortly after the disciples received the Holy Spirit, Peter—who denied three times to girls that he even knew Jesus—was able to get up and preach to thousands of people. He was only able to do that by the boldness the Holy Spirit gives when He lives inside of you.
You may be shy about going up to people and talking to them. Believe me, I know all about it. But when you’ve got the boldness of the Holy Ghost inside of you, you’ll be amazed at the things you’re empowered to do.
The righteous are as bold as a lion.
(Proverbs 28:1)
(Being righteous simply means “in right standing with God”—if you’re saved, that’s you! If you’re not saved, check this out.)
Shyness and nervousness… some of the biggest things I have to overcome in life.
I’ll literally pace back and forth and moan nervously. Sometimes I’ll tremble. And my stomach will most definitely twist itself into knots a sailor would envy. My nerves are the worst!
But there’s nothing about my nervousness that Jesus can’t help me overcome to reach someone and tell them about Him.

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
(Isaiah 26:3)
If you trust in God, He’ll back you up and keep you in peace.
Persecution is promised to us.
And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
(Matthew 10:22)
I receive persecution on a weekly basis. Some of it makes me die laughing (I could tell you some stories… ?). Some of it is really discouraging. Some of it hurts.
But let me tell you something; rejoice when persecution comes.
Jesus promises,
“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
(Matthew 5:11-12)
Oh my gosh, that encourages me so much. ☺
So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life.
(Mark 10:29-30)
Yes, persecution is going to come. There are literally people who do nothing but sit around and want to pick arguments with you or release their uneducated insults (someone once called my work “unproffessional”… and they misspelled it ?) on you.
But rejoice when that happens, because they persecuted the prophets, and they persecuted Jesus.
Jesus calls you blessed for enduring that for His sake; not only will you receive hundred-fold blessings here on earth… but man, is your reward in Heaven ever going to put the haters to shame!

Persecution is a great sign that lets you know you’re actually doing such damage to the kingdom of darkness that the devil is desperately trying to stop what you’re doing.
You can’t make an impact flying under the radar.
The critics are going to say what they’re going to say. But greater is He who is in us than he (the devil) who is in them:
See, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and humiliated. Anyone who opposes you will die and come to nothing.
(Isaiah 41:11)
Living in a country with freedom of religion and speech, they can’t shut us up unless we let them. People give their lives for the Gospel’s sake in foreign nations—I think we can take a couple cuss words and first world problems.
Persecution is no reason for silence. It’s an honor and a privilege to bear the world’s hatred for the Name of Jesus!
People can be afraid of many things on this list. Judgement, persecution, loss of friendships.
But whew, there are so many epic Scriptures on overcoming fear. Here’s just a few.
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
“See, all your angry enemies lie there,
confused and humiliated.
Anyone who opposes you will die
and come to nothing.
You will look in vain
for those who tried to conquer you.
Those who attack you
will come to nothing.
For I hold you by your right hand—
I, the Lord your God.
And I say to you,
Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.
(Isaiah 41:10-13)
That’s probably, like, the most encouraging and empowering passage of verses ever. God just holds our hand and says “Hey! I’m on your side and here to help. Don’t be afraid! Watch Me crush those obstacles to dust.”
To grant us that we… might serve Him without fear.
(Luke 1:74)
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
(Matthew 10:28)
So what if they kill us? What’s so bad about going to Heaven?
Hint: Not a thing.
But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?”
(Matthew 8:26)
The less faith in Jesus we have, the more afraid we are.
Fear is simply false evidence appearing real. With Jesus, that false evidence disappears.
Fear is also a spirit from the devil to keep us from telling the world about Jesus. It needs to be told to get the heck out.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7)
“But… I’m, like, 12.”
“I haven’t been to Bible school.”
“I’m not licensed or ordained or anything.”
Nonsense! Flush that poopoo down the toilet. God has licensed you!
You think God’s ability to use you is limited by the things you think are disqualifications? We serve a way mightier God than that, my friend.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
(Mark 16:15)
The “them” is you! Not “the qualified” or “the adults”. You.
Jesus wouldn’t have given us the Great Commission if we weren’t able to fulfill it. If you will let Him, God will use you. He’s so much more powerful than what you think may disqualify you.
If you have a desire to be used of God, be open to the Holy Spirit and watch the lives that will be touched through yours. The world has yet to see what a young or old man, woman, teen, or child fully sold-out for God can do.
The whole world’s waiting on you; the only one holding you back is yourself!
I wrote an entire post about it here. Think God Can’t Use You? Think Again.
Not being heard is no reason for silence.
We’re told to go and to tell people about Jesus. Whether or not they accept Him is their choice. It’s not our job to get them saved; we’re just messengers.
Besides all the incredible tactics you can use to draw sinners in, if people are really not listening, that’s not your fault; and not a valid excuse.
After they hear the Gospel, they will have no excuse, either.
They will either stand before God and answer them that they flat-out rejected their Son or rejoice that they accepted the opportunity to get saved and that their names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Whether or not they accept the Gospel, tell them anyway. That’s all Jesus said to do. He didn’t say “get the entire world saved” (though obviously, that’s what we want to happen). He just said to preach the Gospel and give people the opportunity.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
(Mark 16:15)
People are depressed. People are hurting. They are broken. People without Jesus are on a slow descent to hell. They turn to relationships, drugs, alcohol, pornography, turn gay, attempt to change their genders and all kinds of sin to try to fill something only Jesus can fill.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
(John 10:10)
Think they’re interested in the Answer to all life’s problems?
Heck yeah.
(And if they believe lies and reject Him anyway, that’s their problem and they’ll have to answer to God for that. If God leads you to, keep witnessing to them, but other than that, let the Holy Spirit deal with them and move on.)
I’ve only had one day in my entire life where I went to the park and neighborhoods to witness and everyone I talked to rejected Jesus. On top of that, I’ve never had an online campaign fail to bring anyone to Jesus.
“I’m in a desperate situation! … but let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is great. Do not let me fall into human hands.”
(2 Samuel 24:14)
People are desperate for Jesus, even if they don’t know that it’s Him they’re desperate for. They’re obviously desperate for something, right? All that sin isn’t filling the hole.
Yes, people will get saved. I promise you.
If you go twelve months preaching the Gospel to people and not a single person accepts Jesus, tell me and I’ll resign the ministry.
(It ain’t gonna happen.)
((Granted, you have to be doing it in a way that will produce results. Having theological arguments with Muslims probably won’t get you anywhere. Just walk up to people and read them this script. I guarantee you it works.))
No, religion is not private. Muslims aren’t quiet about their beliefs; why should we be?
If you knew the cure to the entire world’s illnesses, what kind of moron would keep that to himself and watch people suffer and die?
Jesus and Jesus alone is the answer. He’s the only way people can live truly abundant lives, and the only way for us to go to Heaven.
And might I add that Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship.

And just because I love this quote so much too…

It’s against a Christian’s beliefs to keep quiet about their beliefs.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
(Mark 16:15)
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
(Matthew 28:18-20)
So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.
(John 20:21)
Look. The longer you live life, the more you’ll realize that God and His approval are all that really matter.
This is God’s promise to you:
Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.
(Matthew 10:32-33)
Plus… they already think you’re crazy. “You believe in only one way to get to Heaven?! You closed-minded, judgmental jerk!”
Might as well be known for being crazy for everything.
“You believe in only way to get to Heaven? And you tell everyone you know about Jesus? Even total strangers? … I wish I was like you.”
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.
(Romans 1:16)
This whole “I don’t want to offend anybody” thing has gone absolutely insane.
And it’s not valid at all. Because just that very sentence offends me. Bam, the non-offensive agenda just failed.

You aren’t going to change lives by trying to be a people-pleaser. Be a God-pleaser, and He will reward you.
Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37:4)
Your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.
(Matthew 6:4)
People who have no reason to share about Jesus obviously don’t have a real relationship Him.
They’re mediocre Christians going to church on Sunday mornings because their parents make them go and live the rest of the week doing stuff that breaks God’s heart.
What’s the solution to seeing Jesus as He really is and getting so excited you have to tell someone or you’ll explode?
Spending time with God. Every day. Walking with God is by far life’s greatest adventure.
He’ll show you things you’ve never seen. He’ll tell you things you’ve never heard. He’ll take you places you’ve never been.
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
(1 Corinthians 2:9)
You can only get to what God’s prepared for you when you “plug in” to His plans for your life, not yours.
You wanna feel led? Put a pencil in your pocket. There, now you feel lead.
Now, obviously, you want to obey the lead of the Holy Spirit and do what He tells you to do. But if you’re really in tune to His voice, He’s never going to tell you to live your Christian life and never tell anybody about Jesus.
He’s always going to be pushing you beyond what you think you can do, like a sports coach.
But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.
(John 14:26)
Awww, the Holy Spirit is so nice.
I don’t care what religious leader announces there is no hell. Jesus said there’s a hell.
And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.
(Matthew 5:30)
Not all paths lead to the same place! If I take you down to the bus station and we each go on separate busses, we are going to end up at two completely different places.
Jesus didn’t say He was a way to Heaven. He said he was the Way.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
(John 14:6)
If people reject Jesus Christ and die without Him in their heart, they’re sending themselves to hell.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
(Proverbs 16:25)
Yes, people are in danger of going to hell. God doesn’t predestine people to get saved. If He did, He wouldn’t have given us the Great Commission. He has predestined paths for the saved and the wicked, but which path you take is your choice.
I once talked to a kid who said he wanted to go to hell. Oh, yeah? Stick your arm into an open flame and see how well you like that, buddy.

We don’t want even our worst enemy to go to hell. We want to take everyone we can with us.
Walk up to a random person and read ’em this script. Problem solved!
No, seriously. I have a post coming up in a couple weeks called 17 Epic Ways to Tell Someone About Jesus.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
(Hosea 4:6)
Lack of knowledge is no excuse. Ask around. Research. Read the Bible. Pray! The Holy Spirit gives me more ideas than I can even handle.
This only makes sense if you’re going around and witnessing to people outside your house. And it’s easily solved by partnering up. I knock on doors or go to the park and witness with a buddy and my mom watching us.
(Plus, witnessing with friends is twice the fun.)
One [can] chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.
(Deuteronomy 32:30)
You shall be witnesses to Me … to the end of the earth.
(Acts 1:8)
Oh, you’ll reach a ton of people.
If you have a desire to reach people for Jesus and give Him your all, He’ll take you places you’ve never dreamed.
But first, be faithful over the little things. Keep witnessing even when not many people are getting saved or no one seems to notice. God sees what you do in secret, and He doesn’t let that go in vain.
My very first evangelistic videos got maybe 100 or 200 views. My latest has over 675,000 views and is on its way to a million.
But the passion for seeing lost people get their lives changed has never wavered.
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
(Galatians 6:9)
There is no reason for a Christian to ever shut up about the One made a way for us to live an abundant life and have eternal salvation.
We need to shout the Name of Jesus from the rooftops. If the people around us don’t know we’re radical, on-fire believers, there’s a problem.
Jesus deserves all the praise, all the glory, all the honor, and our very best.
Here’s to letting all the world know!
Scripture verse for #5
1 Timothy 4:12 New International Version (NIV)
12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
I love that verse!
I love this post! Thanks so much for sharing Madi!
Thank you so much, Noel!
My main problem about this is that I’m a Traditional Roman Catholic. I see bloggers who are really passionate about this, and are Christian… but I honest to goodness don’t know what to say. “Hey, you’re almost right but you’re wrong.”
Nope. Not a good idea.
It’s just… I mean, Jesus instituted his Church at the Last Supper, and we Catholics just are trying to follow what He personally instituted. Not what Vadican ll did or something. I can admire your passion on the subject, but there is only one true Church. One where yes, we girls wear skirts all the time and veils to Church. (For the record, we can wear pants when doing sports and yard work or something) I can’t remember the exact wording from a sermon I once heard, but we wear the veils because we’re temples (Because we can have children, and literally have the ability to give life) Is it so bad to dress up for God? And we receive Communion on our tongues for a reason. This is GOD. The priests, when ordained, have fingers specially blessed just to hold the chalice and the Eucharist. They have to place it on our tongues because we’re not worthy to touch Him. (And we’re not allowed to chew) (I’m not entirely sure which kind of Mass you go to, and I’m just making guesses based on what I’ve heard about other Masses) Just reading the Bible won’t save a person. If it did, why are there so many different versions of it in different religions?
Really, idk how well I’m pulling off this comment, which is why I don’t usually talk about this. It’s becuase I can’t find the right words for this. :/ Sooooo here’s to hoping as I push the button to submit it.
While I’m not Catholic (I believe everyone should have their own relationship with God and not depend on a priest to have it for them, and that Jesus’ Church is the entire body of Christ; all Christians), I don’t understand why being a Catholic wouldn’t allow you to tell someone about Jesus? Is that what you’re saying or is there something else you’re concerned about?
No, reading the Bible won’t make you a Christian, but I believe the only requirement for being a Christian is accepting Jesus into your heart and confessing Him with your mouth as stated in Romance 10:9-10, not going to a Catholic church.
We don’t depend on priests for that. We all have our special relationships. Priests are representatives of Christ. The 12 Apostles were His first priests. Through them, we get an even more direct relationship with God – this includes receiving Communion, having the Mass, and going to confession. All of the Church is His body, with the Pope at the head of the Church, THE representative of Christ on earth and head of the Church.
It doesn’t; I just am awkward. 😛
You and I believe in the same God. The one who came on earth and died for our sins. When He instituted the Church, it was different back then. Catholics try to follow what He taught as best as they can, and say the same Mass. I know there have been instances where non-Catholics have made it into heaven, but there’s only one true Church. God’s. Not the Buddhist, or Muslim, or whatever. And that Church is the one He instituted – which is what we Catholics follow.
Again, it’s difficult for me to put this all into words (the reason why I don’t talk much about it) and I don’t want to sound rude. I respect that you are very passionate and devout about God, and hope that maybe someday I’ll gain the ability to speak about this well enough to maybe convince people on the subject.
(And if you’re interested, I go to The Society of Saint Pius the X, or SSPX. It was founded shortly before Vadican ll, by Bishop Lefebvre.) (The X is a 10, by the way :P)
Ah, yeah, I understand. Very interesting points. ?
Loved this, Madi! I am often afraid to make people uncomfortable, not so much offend them. If I say something to friends who aren’t Christians, I don’t want them to feel like they can’t talk to me later or ask me about anything if it’s awkward or they feel like they’re being judged. Most times, I also don’t know WHAT to say. I’d love to read your thoughts on what to say to people who aren’t Christians. And while I personally don’t believe in a current hell, I do think it’s important that we tell others about Jesus’s love and the wonderful gift of life and freedom that we have! 🙂
Thanks for this.
Thanks so much, Charis!
I have a couple friendships going on with people who aren’t Christians (one is a Muslim), and basically, just slowly slip stuff into conversation. Talk about how your relationship with Jesus has changed you, what God is doing in your life, etc. And if they’re going through a hard time, just offer to pray for them. (By doing that, I now have my Muslim friend interested in Christian churches!) That’s not condemning them or judging them.
Sure, they may feel uncomfortable if you slip mentions of Jesus in conversation, but when they hit rock bottom and have no one else to turn to (and without Jesus, they will), YOU’RE the light in their life that points them to Jesus. YOU’RE the one they will turn to for help because you are the only one who has a relationship with Who can bring them out of their situation.
Also, now I’m insanely curious; so you don’t believe in a current hell, but you do believe there is a hell? Like eventually or on Judgement Day or something? I’ve just never heard of that before and now I’m curious ?
You’re welcome, Madi. Thank YOU! 🙂
Ooh yes, that’s a great perspective. I think making it about my experience rather than their faults is a wonderful way of spreading God’s love. 🙂 Thanks for the advice! 😀
Well, my family believes Judgment has already come to earth, during the destruction in 70AD. My dad has researched hell in the Bible a lot. It’s a really confusing subject, and the world hell doesn’t always mean hell, depending on how scholars translated the Bible. So I don’t believe in hell, or at least in Satan ruling hell, which is unbiblical. But I still think we should believe in Jesus and God and live our lives for Him, because that’s the only way we’ll get to be with Him in Heaven! 🙂
Ah, I get it! Thanks for explaining that for me.
No problem! 🙂
*cracks knuckles* Got a category for me to pick from? Online, in person, from Christians, from non-Christians…
The funniest one you’ve got.
On The Goodbye someone said, “This isn’t appropriate for YouTube” and I literally DIED laughing because The Goodbye has got to be the cleanest thing there is on YouTube with all the super bad videos. ? YouTube itself actually flagged my video as inappropriate??
Like, really? A doll film about Jesus? Not all the pornographic videos or profanity? Riiiiight.
“It was pretty great until they started talking about jesus. ” … COMMENTED BY A CHRISTIAN. How even?? Does that person like not love the Lord?? ?
“It was pretty great until they started talking about Jesus.”
Got an in-person one? *Puppy dog eyes*
I’ve got some scary ones, but no funny ones. 😛
Tell me one.
In my sweet little 11-year-old voice I asked a lady “Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?” and the woman turned around and BARKED at me and threatened to call the police or my church for soliciting?? I was so surprised ?
Um, okay?? That’s a little bit strange.
And kind of funny, to be honest. XD
Funny now, not so funny at the time. XD
Some of these excuses, man. The dumbest things I’ve ever heard. XD
Right? ?
It’s like those excuses for why I’m not coming to church today.
“Denny’s got a runny nose.”
“I’m too tired.”
“The handle broke off me toilet.”
“I spit on myself.”
XDDD Or “I’m too hungry to go to lunch” XDD
“There’s hypocrites in the church!”
Guess what?
Ooh, got nothin’, huh? XD
“I don’t like that church!” GUESS WHAT. THERE IS NO PERFECT CHURCH. If there is, don’t go to it, ’cause you’ll make it un-perfect! ?
Lol that’s so mean! XDD
I need that post about 17 ways to tell people about Jesus – I had a chance once, but I lost it so…I’ve never quite forgiven myself.
I’ve missed a couple chances, too. But God’s not mad! Don’t let the devil beat you up for it. Just focus on looking for more chances to tell people. ❤️
Girl! That was awesome!! Loved it!! 😀 Very well said!
Thank you SO much, Gracie! 😀
Amen, Madi! I haven’t had an opportunity to tell people about Jesus, but I guess I shouldn’t just wait for the opportunity to come or I’ll be stuck waiting forever…
Great post – I am inspired! 😛
Lydia <3
Thanks so much, Lydia! Haha, very true. 😛
Great post, Madi! I really admire how open you are to talking about your faith with others. I think my biggest problem is not wanted people to feel uncomfortable. Its definitely something I need to work on though. Thank you for this reminder!
Thank you so much, Maddy! I think about that too — but then realize I’d rather they be uncomfortable and get to Heaven. XD Thanks for commenting! <3
Amazing post, Madi! I think #1 is the kicker for me… considering I don’t do well with strangers. :)) I can’t wait for your upcoming “Ways to tell people about Jesus” post!
Thank you so much, Kendall! I find it easier to witness to strangers than to friends, but I still get nervous. XD I can’t wait to post it! Thanks so much again!
Thank you for doing this post. 🙂
Thank you for commenting!
This was great! Very well said 🙂 I want to know some of those funny/scary stories! Yessss.
Thank you so much! Hehe. *rolls up sleeves* Got a category?
Your blog is so awesome Madi-LOVE THIS!?
Aww, thank you SO much, Caitlyn! <3
Unfortunately, an excuse I’ve used is lack of time. But I’ve really been working on listening and reaching out when God speaks to me… it feels so much better when I do!? —https://emilyryannblogblog.wordpress.com/
For sure! Thanks for commenting, Emily!
This was so timely for me… I’ve been struggling with most of these excuses, I’m so nervous, scared, ect. but I know those excuses are just…excuses. I’ve wanted to witness so bad, I MUST witness so actually today I decided to do something, I bought something at a store so after I paid I held out a million dollar tract and said “Have you gotten your million dollars today?” and you know, why was I so nervous? The woman laughed, smiled and was so happy about it! I was so happy afterwards! I also folded some of them up to look like money and left them places too. 🙂 Have you used those tracts? Another thing God has told me to do, I really believe it was Him telling me, I have these tracts, they’re like little books and the explain everything, I want to take a walk in my neighborhood and deposit one in each mailbox. Sound like a good idea? 😀
Did YouTube really like, officially, flag The Goodbye as inappropriate? SERIOUSLY? 😮 That’s pathetic.
So, do you pick random people to witness to, or what do you do at the grocery store? Do you use tracts a lot? Please post your next post about witnessing soon, I simply CANNOT WAIT!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Awwww, that’s awesome! I’ve never heard of those million dollar tracts, but they sound super neat! I also LOVE that putting-tracts-in-mailboxes idea. Be sure to let me know how it goes!
YES! They mark it is inappropriate for children to watch. -_-
I usually go to a park and walk up to kids or adults and read them the script I linked to in the post; that’s the most effective way I’ve found to do it! And YAY, thanks so much for commenting!!
Great article, Madi! Made me smile, too 😀
Super excited about your future article on 17 ways to tell someone about Jesus!
Thank you sooo much, Germaine! That means so much. 😀
Oh myyyy this is so true! I have always wanted to share the Good News and my friend(s) and I NEARLY shared it with my best friend but then…. we forgot because we were rushing and there were some complications 🙁 Anyway, another reason I have never shared is because I feel like I’ll say the wrong thing and then I’ll be stuck and I’ll start to panic and then I’ll just be thinking, “Shoot, what am I supposed to say now?” while the other person just gives me a blank stare. *crickets*
Oh my goodness, yes, me too! That’s why I follow the script I linked to in the post. It’s just flawless. I 100% recommend it!
Cool thanks!
Ahh Madi this was so good!!!!!!
Aww, thanks so much, Hannah!
Thank you for this post. I have always been a people-pleaser, my entire life. I’m so done, I’m so over it. I’m finally learning, after almost 30 years on this Earth, I cannot worry about offending others. I just can’t. I have enough to worry about, and I’m only adding stress to my body and mind if I’m constantly concerned about others and what they might think. I’m learning to express myself as a Christian in so many new ways. I love God, and I need to share it.
Thank you so much, Beth! Yes, that’s so true. The only opinion that should truly matter to us is God’s.
I couldn’t agree more!
EXACTLY! My pastor says that!
This was such an amazing post!! 😀 It was SUPER inspiring. I try to share the Lord a lot on my softball team most of the girls are Christian a few of them aren’t and before every game I always get everybody together and we all pray and then at the end of the game we ask the other team if they want to pray and we all get in the pitchers mound link hands and pray. It’s really awesome because I get to witness to someone many other people just through doing something I love. I can’t wait to see more of your amazing posts. 🙂
-Rose <3
Thank you so much, Rose! And that is an AMAZING way to witness! Keep it up. ?
Yes, girl, YES. This is something I’ve always wanted to get good at and am working on now. Life can be so joyful if you truly know God and all of his wonders, and so many people need to hear it!
Anywho, I LOVED this. I swear, every post gets better ’round here. :))
Yes, that’s so true! Aww, thanks so much, Liv. <3
You’re so welcome!❤️
this is a cool post, but saying that depressed people are on a descent to hell and that people can “turn gay” is horribly insensitive.
xo apollo
Oops, I worded that sentence wrong. I was implying that lost people who are not saved are going to hell, and that depression is common among people who don’t know Jesus, but I definitely wasn’t trying to say that depression alone will send you to hell — only rejection of Jesus can do that. I’ll re-word that sentence.
And while I’m all for being sensitive and compassionate, true compassion speaks the truth.
ok, thanks for fixing it. i’m glad you don’t really think that. as some with depression, it felt really awful to hear that i’m going to hell for a mental illness i have no control over, even if that’s not what you meant to say.
xo apollo
Definitely not what I meant to say! Sorry for the miscommunication.
I’m praying for you every day. If you ever need encouragement, I’m here. Depression is no fun, I know. But it is able to be overcome. ❤️
Yes! Love this post! Our church does something called TrueLife cards, and essentially they have our church’s information and the link to a website with answers to common questions (like is abortion okay, why does God allow bad things to happen) that are supposed to be easy to hand out… 😛 I saw this lady the day after and I gave her a card because my conscience kept bugging me, but I don’t think I saw her at church but I mean who knows XD I definitely prefer getting to know someone before evangelizing, though, because it seems more real and they trust you more and know that you’re doing it because you love them. I guess that’s why I think Christian fiction has such great potential because you draw readers in with a good story and then you slowly build up to the faith element and they’re all attached and awww.
Those sound so cool! Hey, maybe she got saved and went to a different church. XD
I’m the exact opposite — it always gets so awkward for me if I know someone before evangelizing! ? Awww, yes, Christian fiction has awesome potential.
Wow. This was a great post, I don’t think I’ve ever told someone about Jesus.
My relationship with Him only just strengthened and took a turn for the better in the past few months. I feel a whole lot better about it and am trying to glorify Him in all my actions. He is truly worth it.
I’m gonna have to take a look at that script! 😀
Thank you Madi!
Thanks so much, Liz!
Awww, that’s amazing! Yes, so true. He’s worth it all!
I hope you like the script! Thanks for commenting, Liz!
[…] In my last post, I debunked 17 of the most common excuses people make for not telling others about Jesus. […]
Wow, this is so powerful! I love it!!
Aww, thank you so much, Em!