April Camp NaNoWriMo 2017 Recap

Hey, guys! I know Camp NaNo is so last-April, but I never posted a recap and really want to, so here I am, defying time boundaries and common sense.

A quick note — this post is a monstrosity of a long one, recapping an entire month of writerly work. Just in case this is not your cup of tea. 😉 But at the end I do give away a novelette I wrote, so… 😉

Without further ado… my Camp NaNo recap!

My Project

Don’t worry about trying to read the picture, it’s just there for show. ? And don’t ask about my profile pic.

I wasn’t originally going to do Camp NaNo in April because I hadn’t planned to write anything that month, just work on plotting the second book in my Loyalty trilogy series — but my lovely cabin mate Sarah convinced me! I tracked my progress in hours vs. word count and am so glad I did!

*Temporary cover… I think the real thing is going to be a silhouette of my two main characters hugging with the sunset or moon behind them or something, from the end of the climax scene. ?

Loyalty – Book 2: Pursuit of Nothing / No One

Yeah, not sure what I’m deciding about that title. ?


In the second book of Madison Lorfing’s Loyalty trilogy series, ninja Ari Xiang-Su has successfully escaped the grasp of tyrant Daku Maruko once again; and discovered she is not an only child after all. Even after Maruko is turned in to the newest shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan, Ari cannot rest at ease. Her previous enemy, a samurai warrior named Hinoki Ajinomoto, and her forester friend, Yakana, have disappeared without a trace.

Ari suspects it’s the work of a ruthless and cold bounty hunter named Hora Sakenomi who works for the evil man Hinoki owes forgotten money to — and Hinoki wonders if there is more to Hora than the bitter front she puts up. In desperation and devotion, Ari gets together a group of Hinoki’s most trusted samurai, her newfound brother, and a previous spy for the government named Anata Tsurai to try and find him.

Even though Ari has to work with her sworn enemies, the samurai, to try and find the man who has saved her life so many times, her loyalty to him drives her on as she finally admits she really does love him. But when her team around her gives up hope, claiming the pursuit of Hinoki a “pursuit of nothing”, how far can Ari’s loyalty go to find the man she loves?

I can’t believe this entire thing has turned into a romance when I specifically set out with the “unwavering” purpose of not doing that. XD

Sometime soon I hope to do a post about how I’m plotting, so I’ll go into more detail then!

My Stats

Don’t worry about trying to read that. I’ve so graciously ranted about each and every single day for you! Now isn’t that so considerate of me? ?

April Goal: 30 Hours

I think this is all out of order… I screenshotted my cabin messages about my updates before the cabin disappeared but it didn’t give me any dates, so I’m just guessing, and I know it’s all wrong. 😛

Day 1

Hours Today: 3
Hours Total: 3

I sat down at my desk with a notepad, sticky notes, and my loft bed wall ready to plot. I had all these amazing ideas in my head and it was AMAZING. I plotted until 4 AM but only got 1.5 hours in then. XD In the evening, I got another 1.5 hours in.

I listened to these really cool epic instrumental drama tracks while plotting. I literally collected them all into an album on iTunes I named “Pursuit of No One.” ? Still undecided on the name. Here’s one of them!

Final Frontier Battle

Day 2

Hours Today: 3
Hours Total: 6

My cabin mates had to deal with the following:


… and a bunch of other crazy messages. XD On this day I plotted three character deaths total, heated arguments, fight scenes — all things thrilling and dramatic.

Day 3

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 8

I actually took the liberty of taking a picture at, like, 12 AM. X’D

Ignore the sewing machine and fabric… I was making doll costumes for The Goodbye earlier that day. ?

All of the light blue and purple sticky notes are what I plotted in April so far — I had a few dark blue ones there beforehand. The ones at the top by the brown Plot Board sign are very brief character bios (left) and plot points I’m thinking of adding but don’t know when will happen yet (right).

I hit a hard stop here from the constant inspiration and really had to spend time brainstorming.

Day 4

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 10

My missionary friend gave me a great plot twist idea. It broke my heart just thinking about it, so I really hope it will trigger emotional response from my readers when I write it! I literally plotted five entire large notepad pages just of the next scenes in one person’s POV. XD

Day 5

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 12

I tortured my cabin mates with “I was so caught up in this one absolutely incredible scene that I actually began writing it out without even knowing what I was doing — I was on such a roll and took up three entire notepad pages of what I’m plotting next! I’m still rolling furiously, just forced to stop because my phone’s about to die so I have to charge it. I can’t believe it! I’m having so much fun!”

I would post the snippet I wrote, but it was after a fight scene so my characters were all bloody and infuriated. XD If you really want to read it, it’s HERE under Excerpt. I’ve actually decided to switch to present tense, but I wrote the snippet before that decision, so don’t get too confused. XD

Day 6

Hours Today: 3
Hours Total: 15

I typed up what I wrote the previous night and had 1.7k words just in the first four pages. :O

I hit 15 hours and plotted the most beautiful, tragic, sweet, amazing, intense, thrilling, AWWWW and OWWWW scene so far. ? My idea of fun… ?

Day 7

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 17

I may or may not have plotted an unintentional but fake love triangle.

Hopefully it will make my readers divide into epic sides or something. ?

Day 8

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 17

Upon urging from my cabin mates, I saved myself a bit of sleep deprivation and didn’t stay up until crazy hours in the morning of day 9.

I got up early to plot on day 9 instead. 😉

Day 9

Hours Today: 5
Hours Total: 22

Sorry, cabin mates…

“HAHA. I fixed my plot hole with ‘a millisecond of hesitance’ and an order to ‘Go, Hora! Run! >:)”

Day 10

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 24

“So where are we going? To a place that doesn’t exist?”

Rasako shakes his head. “Not all places exist to be found, Ari.”

Days 11-15

I took a break from all plotting during these days to work on The Goodbye.

Day 16

Hours Today: 1
Hours Total: 25

While waiting for The Goodbye to upload, I stayed at my computer until 1 AM multitasking comment-replying, online chatting, and plotting. Despite going back and forth and only getting an hour in, I actually got some valuable brainstorming for book three done during this time (so I could foreshadow the plot in the coming cliffhanger).

Day 17

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 27

My plotting style is so funny. I literally draw hearts, emojis and smiley faces to go with the desired feel of the plot point or how evil I feel plotting it. XD The picture below is just a sample of how many smileys I used. ?

All these updates aren’t on the right dates since I didn’t date my updates when I posted them in the cabins… so we’ll just go with snippets from here. XD

Ari’s POV

“So what are you going to do about it?” Rasako asks.

I shake my head miserably. “I — I can’t. We’re both under Code — I don’t think he’d even admit he loves me. It’s so dangerous.

“What if you broke the Code?”

“Break it? How could I? My oath of loyalty — I can’t break that!”

Rasako studies my eyes. “Who do you love more, then — Sensei Kira or Hinoki?”

Day 18

Hours Today: 1
Hours Total: 29

Hora’s POV

As Hinoki mounts his horse, I turn my head to face him and ask, “How did you fight? You’re drugged. I specifically made sure you couldn’t do anything like that — I pumped you full for six days.”

Hinoki shrugs. “It was adrenaline.”

“So why did you fight?” I ask quickly. “Why didn’t you take the chance and escape in the midst of all confusion?”

Hinoki calmly stares at me for a while, then shrugs again. “If I hadn’t fought, who would’ve been at the right spot at the right time to keep you from getting shot?”

Day 19

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 30

I was almost-done with the biggest section of my plotting — the storyline. I was really excited to have finished before winning started! Then I just kept going. XD

I took a small break and began writing the backstory of my antagonist, Hora Sakenomi, so I know everything about her past before diving into book 2.

Yes, that’s the best excuse I could come up with for stopping all plotting and writing a super tragic, dramatic and beautifully heartbreaking backstory.

I have had so much fun with this character — roleplaying with her, writing her backstory, giving her whole entire chapters in her point of view… I love her so much. XD

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

He works for Maruko, I am a new recruit for Keisuke. He owes money. Keisuke wants it. My mission? To bring him in or take him out.

We meet not knowing who the other is; he is atop his horse leading his warriors, I am atop my own leading mine. Both of us are curious as to who the other is, but the horrendous thunder and lightning storm worsens as both of our teams stop in front of the other on the now muddy path. A streak of lightning splits the sky and strikes a tree in the distance and as the torrential downpour continues to drench everything below, it crashes to the forest floor with reverberating vibrations.

I am about to open my mouth and start conversing when lightning again strikes a tree much closer to us. Thunder claps ahead with such a ear-splitting crack that causes our horses to rear as the tree struck beside bursts into flames and comes crashing down.

I’m thrown off my horse and collide into the muddy path, as is nearly the entirety of both of our teams. I open my mouth and cry out in pain as my shin cracks and pain courses up my leg, but that is the least of my worries. Lightning flashes again, and the tree right in front of me begins to fall.

In terror, I hold my arm up as if that’s actually going to stop the falling tree from crushing my bones — and all of the sudden feel strong arms grab mine and pull me out of the way just in time. I look up with a gasp, half-relieved, half-embarrassed to be looking up at the face of the man who just saved my life.

I began illustrating what Hora looks like, but because I stink at faces I finally decided to just draw her basic bounty-hunting outfit without the weapon belt. That is why she is headless in my drawing.

She is not headless in my stories.

Day 20

Hours Today: 1
Hours Total: 31

The snippets are out of order, too. I didn’t write all of them on the days they are posted under. XD

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

My smile fades quickly. “Wait — you’re Jikan Shoto?”

The man, now obviously Jikan, nods in confusion.

I moan. “I’m Hora Sakenomi.”

Jikan’s eyes widen. “Oh. You’re the bounty hunter after me. And you also happen to be the bounty hunter I’m trying to kill.”

I laugh nervously.

Jikan laughs nervously, too. “I’d say nice to meet you, but…”

Day 21

Hours Today: 1
Hours Total: 32

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

  Jikan shakes his head, gritting his teeth as he stares at the branches that crackle and break as the fire consumes them. He faces me again, grabbing my arm. “Do you trust me?” He asks quickly.

I search his dark eyes, hesitant. This man had literally been hired to track me down and kill me. Trusting him was insane. “What?” I ask as thick smoke invades our air inside the cave, hoping he will repeat the question.

“Do you trust me?” Jikan asks again.

I am going to die either way.

“Yes?” I answer unsurely, unknowing as to what on earth will happen next.

Day 22

Hours Today: 4
Hours Total: 36

I got in the habit of writing 2k a day here! It’s one of my favorite things to accomplish now.

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

He raises his eyebrows. “I can see why you think that, but not all samurai are like what you think. Have you ever met one?”

I let out a scornful laugh. “I’m talking to one.”

“And am I everything you think of when you think of a samurai?” He asks, less out of curiosity and more to tease me.

“I don’t know who you think you are,” I finally hiss. “You’re here to turn to Keisuke in?”

Hinoki raises an eyebrow. “Why would I?”

My mouth hangs open. “You don’t know,” I say softly.

Day 23

Hours Today: 2
Hours Total: 38

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

“Uh, what was that?” I demand.

“People,” he returns. “Wasn’t it obvious?”

“What people?” I demand once more as the path begins to steepen.

“People we really don’t need to be meeting during this hour at night.”

“Who?!” I inquire persistently.

“I literally just told you.”

I clench my jaw and exhale in frustration. I can’t imagine how on earth I am going to be working with Hinoki over the next five days.

Day 24

Hours Today: 0
Hours Total: 38

I forgot to document my time. ?

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

You can tell a lot about a man if you watch how they treat someone they don’t need.

Day 25

Hours Today: 4
Hours Total: 42

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

“Hi,” he greets back. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Nor did I,” I tell him. “Thank you again for saving me — twice — last time,” I smile.

“Thanks for not turning me in,” he grins.

“Oh, yeah. Thanks for not killing me, either.”

Jikan laughs. “It was a fair trade.”

I smile knowing it was not. He very well could have taken the chance to stiff me right when I had no one to back me up. The kill would have been almost effortless.

Day 26

Hours Today: 4
Hours Total: 46

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

“You know him?” Hinoki questions as he turns to me.

“Well, duh.”

“I mean how?”

“Why do you ask?”

Hinoki shrugs. “Curiosity.”

Day 27

Hours Today: 0
Hours Total: 46

I didn’t document my time… ?

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

“I was ordered to track him down and turn him in to Keisuke a few weeks ago, and he was ordered to track down and kill me,” I answer. “Only we got caught in a lightning storm and Jikan saved me before knowing who I was.”

“And that complicated things?”

“Um, it might have? He ended up saving me twice and then finally told me he couldn’t kill me… and I told him I couldn’t turn him into Keisuke.”

Hinoki hmphs. Then he nods.

“Why do you ask?” I demand.

Hinoki looks back toward the crowd and points a finger at where Jikan disappeared into it. “Just letting you know — that dude right there is madly in love with you.”

So blunt. XD

Day 28

Hours Today: 0
Hours Total: 46

Think I forgot to document my time again? ?

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

I am about to pull myself to my feet when Jikan pins me down with his iron-hard clasp against my throat and a strong foot on my stomach. I helplessly meet his gaze as he raises his dagger with tears in his eyes.

“Just do it quickly,” I beg. “It hurts too much to stay alive.”

Day 29

Hours Today: 6 (probably carrying over from previous days I forgot to document)
Hours Total: 52

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

Shimesu raises both eyebrows. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I’m not.”

“You didn’t just say what I think you said.”

“I did.”


I need Jikan. I need him like I need my next breath. I need him to sit up and wrap his arms around me and tell me he’s okay.

Only he’s not.

I cry harder, burying my face in his shoulder as I feel his heartbeat fade. The pulses get softer, fainter, harder to sense — then they become too far apart. I weep miserably, shaking with the violence of my quaking sobs as I hug him tighter.


“I don’t have the ring yet, but — Hora Sakenomi, will you marry me?”

My heart stops. He’s holding my hands and asking me the most life-changing question I’ll ever answer. He’s asking me to break Code. He’s asking me to break all the oaths I’ve ever taken and instead to vow to be with him for the rest of my life.

Day 30

Hours Today: 3
Hours Total: 55

Snippet of Hora: Everything I Never Said

Keisuke is really enjoying himself. “And other times, I was really convinced you were in love with someone.” Then he laughs. “You guys are so obvious. What possesses you to kiss on property? You don’t think I make sure almost every move my hunters make are watched? If there’s anyone who keeps you guys accountable to Code, it’s me.”

I want to shrink back and turn invisible at his last statement. Accountable to Code — is he suggesting our death sentence, then?

I lower my gaze from his dancing, taunting eyes. He walks closer to me, and I turn my face away. “You realize I can kill you for doing that, right?” He asks.

If at all possible, my face pales even more. I feel as if I’m blazing 150 degrees and about to pass out. My heart won’t quit thrashing widlly back and forth against my chest, and it’s hard to even breathe.

“You realize Maruko can kill Jikan for doing that, too, right?” He asks again.

I close my eyes as I wince momentarily.

“You may be Elite, Hora, but I don’t need you. I can replace you like that and kill you as easy as anything.”


That night, I’m sitting in the captain’s quarters of the ship and on the floor, at the small desk that resides there. I bury my face in my hands, unable to stop crying. I bite my lip to keep back the sobs, but the silent tears don’t stop flooding down my face and into my hands, streaming and dripping down my arms, staining the wooden desk I’m sitting at.

I hear a knock on the door to my quarters, but I don’t answer it. I sit there motionless, then begin to tremble with each shaky breath I attempt to take.

Upon no answer from me, the door opens anyway. I don’t see who it is, for my face is still buried in my hands, but I hear a metal clink on the space on the desk right next to me.

“Just hang on to the hope that maybe one day, he’ll come back,” Kedo’s much gentler, kinder voice sounds in front of me. Then I hear his footsteps turn and leave, and the door shuts behind them.

I pull my hands away from my teary face and look down at my desk.
There’s my wedding ring, on the thin, broken cord. I reach out to curl my fingers around the ring but only cry harder when I feel its weight in my hand.

If you wonder why I’m the way I am today, this is why. Now you know why. Now you know why I hunt down and track the culprit and make them pay. Now you know why I murder them if they can’t. Now you know why I do the things I do. Now you know everything.

This is everything I never said.

DUN DUN DUN. THE ENDING IS SO TRAGIC. But Hora’s backstory explains her more so you don’t 100% hate her in Loyalty – Book II. XD

I actually didn’t finish writing Hora: Everything I Never Said until May 3rd, but you know. The snippets have their way of showing up in my daily recaps anyway. *shrugs* It’s 33k and I had the time of my life writing it! So much so that I stayed up until, you know, 4 AM almost every night to work on it. ?

If you’re still here, I can’t believe it! You read through over three thousand, six hundred words of pure insanity, and for that, I thank you. If there’s anything I stink at, it’s personal blogging, but I do like giving out rewards, so…

If you want to read the novelette I wrote, you’re absolutely welcome to! It contains parts that may be too violent or mature for young people to read, so I would advise anyone under thirteen years old to ask an adult to review it before reading. It’s located at the message board I moderate on this thread: Hora: Everything I Never Said

Please, tell me how Camp went for you, if you did it! Share a snippet of what you’ve written lately (Camp or not) in the comments below! I’d love to read. 

By |2017-05-22T11:14:02-04:00May 20th, 2017|Writing|67 Comments

About the Author:

I'm Madi: blogger, writer, doll collector, and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more about me here and this blog here.


  1. Olive May 20, 2017 at 4:06 pm - Reply

    ok, you can guess the rest. XD oooh, sharing snippets, ok, here’s one:

    I looked back, and I saw her standing there, staring. She had a long cloak that reached the ground, with a hood that shadowed her face, but I could feel her eyes glaring at me. A curl had escaped her hood, and was lying across her shoulder, tighter and redder than I remembered. More like a ringlet. But it was definitely her. Or, it used to be her. I shuddered as we pulled up, reducing her to a dark speck in the distance.

    oooh, and here’s a really long one:

    I sighed and paced faster. What if master Shiri was dying? It was all Marissa’s fault, no- it was mine. I should have faced her, but I didn’t and now master Shiri might die. Well, I told myself. Master Shiri told you to stay hidden. Would you disobey a clear order? Yes. A small part of me said. If only to keep them safe.
    I sat down on the bed, resting my head in my hands. What do I do? Marissa won’t stop until she finds me, and I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. Should I go face her? I might have a chance of winning…images of that fierce, blindingly fast battle filled my mind. I shivered. Master Shiri had faced, her, and look what happened! Did I really have a chance? I got up and started pacing again. What do I do? Allie, I told myself. You know what to do. You know what you have to do if you want no one else to get hurt. You have to go face her. You have a chance. You’re pretty sure you know what she wants you for, and if you’re right, then you definitely have a chance. Well, a small chance. Probably only 2%. I smiled a little because how many stories had I heard, were the heroes won over insurmountable odds? I could do this. I will do this. I. Can. Do. This.
    I stopped and stood still, taking a deep breath. I’m going to do it. I told myself. I will go face her. It’s the right thing to do. But first, I’m going to go check on master Shiri.

    wow, that was a lot. XD maybe I should just make a post with them…. XD
    Most crazily, ~Olive

    • Madi May 21, 2017 at 8:11 am - Reply



      Ahhh oh my gosh! That was SO awesome! I LOVED those! Now I’m super curious about Allie and Marissa and master Shiri and YOU LEFT ME HANGING ? Oh wait. That’s what a snippet is supposed to do. ?

      Thank you so much for commenting, Olive! ❤️

  2. Olivia Bell (aka Livy) May 20, 2017 at 4:58 pm - Reply

    I made it! I loved this post, it was so interesting and I am so proud of you with all your writing!! 😀 I didn’t do Camp NaNo, but it sounds cool! I’ve been working on my magazine lately, so that’s what I’ve been writing! BTW- I really need your blog ad in by the 25 at the latest, unfortunately, if I don’t have it by then then I can’t put it in the magazine. So sorry! 😐

    I am so excited for your books, I highly anticipate the day I hold in my hands a published copy of them with the famous “Madison Lorfing” signature!!!!! 😀 <3 <3 <3

    • Madi May 21, 2017 at 11:23 am - Reply

      Thank you SO much, Livy! That means SO much!! 😀 😀 😀

      Oh, I got your email! I’m SO sorry I haven’t responded yet, I’m getting to that as soon as possible!

      Awwwww, thank you SO much, Livy!! That makes me SO happy! ❤️❤️❤️ 😀

  3. Congratulations Madi! You have succeeded in toying with my emotions. OK so….
    As far as book two:
    I NEED TO READ THAT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! ?????
    As far as Hora: Everything I Never Said:
    Same thing. I’m not allowed to go on AG Homeschool though. Is there any other way I could read it?
    As far as what I’ve been writing:
    My name is Emma Moors. To most people I seem like an average girl, but really, I’m am spy.


    “Emma,” My teacher said, “You will be working with Pauline Timberlake.”
    *winces* That needs a LOT of work.
    Oh, and it has a unicorn!

    • Madi May 21, 2017 at 11:30 am - Reply


      Oh, no problem! I could compile it all into an Evernote note and send it to your email — would that work for you? It would require for you to make an Evernote account, I believe, but it’s free. Let me know how I can best get it to you! That means SO much to me that you want to read it! Also, can I ask why you’re not allowed to go on AG Homeschool? I totally understand as my parents have rules on which sites I go to as well, I’m just a curious little Madi. XD

      Squeeeeee! A SPY STORY?! I love spy stories! That sounds SO awesome! Best of luck with writing it!! 😀

      • From a Doll's Perspective (Anna) May 23, 2017 at 10:16 am - Reply

        Hmmm…. Ummm…. Do you have a way that you could turn it into a PDF? If not that’s fine.
        I’m honestly not totally sure. Sorry.
        That’s fine! 😀
        Yes a spy story! Thanks! I’m actually still working on the plot (AAHHH PLOT HOLES!!!!!), and won’t be writing the full novel until November (What do I do until then!?!?! Oh, right work on plot holes.), but that snippet just popped into my head, so I had to write it down.

        • Madi May 24, 2017 at 9:15 pm - Reply

          Hmm… I’m not totally sure I could do that… would the Evernote thing work OK?

          OH MY GOSH YES THE PLOT HOLES. SOOOO FRUSTRATING, RIGHT? Haha, same! Sometimes I just have to write down snippets, too. XD

          • From a Doll's Perspective (Anna) May 28, 2017 at 10:22 pm - Reply

            (sorry it took so long to reply)

            Hmm.. I don’t really think I could do that. Sorry.

            (Oh, hey I think I see a chance to scream!) AHH PLOT HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around screaming*

            Phew, I’m not alone! *runs around screaming some more*

            Oops, this comment got a little crazy. :/

            P.S. Thank you SO much for liking my posts!

            I really wish I could like yours too, but technically I don’t have a WordPress account. My dad used his to make my blog.

            • Madi June 6, 2017 at 6:17 pm - Reply

              (oh, no problem!)

              Oh, okay. No problem! What way would work best for me to send it to you?

              UGH PLOT HOLES I KNOW RIGHT. -__-

              XDD Don’t worry, I like crazy comment. XD

              Aww, you’re so welcome! And no problem! 😀

              • From a Doll's Perspective (Anna) June 15, 2017 at 3:19 pm - Reply

                Hmm… I’m not really sure. I’ll let you know if I think of anything.
                Yes! I literally have places in my plot where I wrote things like “and then somethings happens.” -__-
                Ok, phew.

                • Madi July 14, 2017 at 2:59 pm - Reply


                  And lol! Yeah -__-

          • From a Doll's Perspective (Anna) May 28, 2017 at 10:30 pm - Reply

            AHH! That was way to crazy! I shouldn’t have posted that! Sorry, sometimes at night I have pretty crazy ideas. Of course, that DOES make it a great time to plot a novel!

            • Madi June 6, 2017 at 6:18 pm - Reply

              LOLOL! I am literally the same exact way. XD

      • From a Doll's Perspective (Anna) May 24, 2017 at 11:32 am - Reply

        OK, I actually have another piece of writing to share with you (please excuse the terrible grammar in the story):

        I suddenly vasihed from my home and fell down the chimney of a building in Vermont. The building looked like a cross between my co-op building, my friend’s house, and a video game I was playing.
        “What are we doing here?” my mom asked.
        My dad fell down the chimney and said “You’ll be safer here. I’ll be back to get you in about a day.”
        “Safe from what?” I wondered.
        Then, I noticed Madi in the kitchen making a cheese, mustard, and pepperoni sandwich. I walked over to her and then she called me on Skype and disappeared from the kitchen and appeared on the couch WITHOUT her sandwich!
        I talk with her for a few minutes, then she disappeared again and my mom appeared.
        She started to answer the questions I was asking Madi.
        I screamed.
        Then, I snuck downstairs to try to find Madi. I found her in a meeting room talking with a faun (half man half goat) and her dad.
        Then we both appeared upstairs again.

        Tada! That was based off of a VERY weird dream I had last night.

        • Madi May 24, 2017 at 10:05 pm - Reply

          Ooh!! That is so cool and creepy!! XD I write stories based off of my dreams, too! XD

      • BTW, how’s the conference going?

        • Madi May 27, 2017 at 8:40 pm - Reply

          It’s going GREAT! I’ve had such a good time. It ends tomorrow. Thanks for asking! 😀

  4. Nicole May 20, 2017 at 8:29 pm - Reply

    Omigoodness I laughed so hard!! I’m still smiling like crazy!! Yay for tragedy! X’D Lol, I sound so insensitive. Don’t worry, I give my villains horribly tragic backstories too. 😉 It sounds like you like tragic romance…I have just the book for you to read. Heartless, by Marissa Meyer: the story of the queen of hearts before she became the queen of hearts. I’m still not over the ending. You can imagine the last words! XD Okay, I’m ranting now. I’m definitely reading your novelette!..I’m one of those readers who thrives on tears and heartbreak and probably should not read it for fear of emotional crippling. Are you planning on doing camp in July?

    • Madi May 21, 2017 at 11:38 am - Reply

      Ahahah I’m glad you liked this ???

      YOU GIVE THEM TRAGIC BACKSTORIES TOO? :O I’M NOT ALONE. *high-fives Nicole* ? Haha that book sounds amazing. ? Awww! YAY! I’m so happy you want to read it! I hope you find it tragically heartbreaking and tearful enough ?

      Yes! I’m going to be writing Loyalty – Book II in July. I’m so excited! Are you doing July, too?

      • Nicole May 22, 2017 at 1:30 pm - Reply

        Yup! I’ll have plenty of time due to a cross-country road trip, so i should be able to work on like, five novels back to back? XD Lol, I’ll probably only finish one.

        • Madi May 24, 2017 at 8:55 pm - Reply

          Ooh, that’s so awesome! LOL! XD Haha, good luck! XD

  5. May @ Forever and Everly May 20, 2017 at 9:09 pm - Reply

    I loved reading about your Camp journey, Madi! Also I LOOOVE your snippets, especially about Hora! It’s so much fun to create antagonists’ backgrounds because we get to craft why they came to be that antagonist. AND OMG I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER. *cries* Also, your plot board is really cool! I want one. XD

    • Madi May 22, 2017 at 3:46 pm - Reply

      Aw, I’m SO glad!! And YAY! Thank you SO much! LOL OH MY GOSH IT IS. I love Hora so much. Her backstory was so fun to write. XD

      Thanks so much! It’s really easy to make, just sticky notes on a wall. XD

  6. isabel ? May 20, 2017 at 9:30 pm - Reply

    i did camp nano! it was barely stressful, and i almost didn’t make it, but i did. i actually wrote a keeper of the lost cities fanfiction for my camp nano, because i’m currently on break from my novel. it’s really… hard to write and full of plot holes. gah! i’ll fix them someday… here’s a snippet! (the snippet is in brackets)

    [“Everything’s changing, isn’t it?” Keefe sighed, resting his cheek against the top of Sophie’s head. She nodded slightly, not wanting to dislodge him. “The Neverseen are gone, and the Council, well… they’ve gotten better. Kinda. But this… I dunno, it just feels…”

    “Dangerous? Worrisome? Troubling?” Sophie supplied.

    “Any of those work.” Keefe was rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of her hand, making tingles run up and down her spine. He lifted his head, and Sophie tried not to feel too disappointed as he turned to face her. “There is one other change I’ve been wanting to make for a while, you know,” Keefe told her mischievously. Sophie’s heart was racing a mile a minute.

    “What?” She asked, breathless. Keefe didn’t bother answering.]

    tada! fanfiction is kind of relaxing, even if it is pointless. but fun! i could write it for… a long time. and then write now i’m working on a beauty and the beast retelling, and then maybe dystopian one? i don’t know. those are really overdone, i feel like. anyways, great post, madi!

    isabel ?

    p.s. it’s really me, izzy, i’m just going by isabel now. 😉

    • Madi May 22, 2017 at 3:50 pm - Reply

      Oh, that’s awesome! Congratulations! Your fanfic sounds epic! OOH A SNIPPET ME SHALL READS.

      Oh my gosh, that is SO cool! You are such a talented writer!! Thanks for sharing!!

      Haha, I can’t write fanfic for the life of me! I only completed one out of five fanfiction attempts and… no. XD Thanks so much again, Isabel! Thank you for commenting. ❤️

      P.S. Haha, okay! Isabel is such a beautiful name!

    • Olive May 22, 2017 at 5:52 pm - Reply

      *gasps* DO YOU SHIP KEEFOSTER?? *clutches heart* *faints*
      just kidding, I just really ship Sophitz. XD
      but that was great! it sounded just like Shannon Messenger! 🙂
      Most crazily, ~Olive

  7. Allison May 20, 2017 at 10:21 pm - Reply

    OOOOHHHH this was really neat, Madi! I loved the snippets of “Hora: Everything I Never Said.” Oh, and yaaaay for me, I read the whole post! XD But it was fun. 😀

    • Madi May 22, 2017 at 3:52 pm - Reply

      Thank you SOO much, Allison! I’m so glad you liked them! 😀 LOLOL! Yay for reading it all! XD Aw, I’m glad! Thanks s’much. 😀

  8. thegeckoonline May 20, 2017 at 11:12 pm - Reply

    Your second book looks really good!
    And I’m so sorry I didn’t in the end beta read your first book, I kept meaning to do it but I just never got around to it!

    • Madi May 22, 2017 at 3:54 pm - Reply

      Thank you SO much!

      Oh, no problem at all! That’s totally fine! 😀

  9. Mya May 21, 2017 at 12:10 am - Reply


    • Madi May 24, 2017 at 8:17 pm - Reply

      OH MY GOODNESS MYA I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKED THEM! THAT MEANS SO MUCH! I’m actually in the process of rewriting almost the entirety entire book one… yipes. Keeping the plot but just redoing corny scenes and then redoing almost everything in general since my writing skills have improved since. So I’m not sure when I’ll publish it. XD Hopefully by 2018! And YAAAAAAY! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! ❤️

  10. Lizfromagh May 21, 2017 at 6:44 am - Reply

    Nice job, Madi! I really hope you publish book 1 soon! The Hora backstory was awesome, i thought but you already know that from me commenting! ???

    P.S. there are more parts to the P.O.I. fan fiction.

    • Madi May 24, 2017 at 8:18 pm - Reply

      Thanks so much, Liz! I hope so, too! Aw, thank you so much! Your comments were so encouraging!!

      P.S. LOVED them! They were epic!

  11. Grace | The Girl Upstairs May 21, 2017 at 11:05 am - Reply

    MADI HOW DO YOU PLOT SO MUCH. Like legit seriously. Do you think you could do a post, or email me or something? I’m working on a story and am in need of some good plotting techniques.

    That sounded so weird for some reason. ? Annnyway, I loved this post, Madi! 😀

    • Madi May 24, 2017 at 8:20 pm - Reply

      WHAT IN THE WORLD I THOUGHT I WASN’T PLOTTING ENOUGH. ? Definitely going to do a post about it super soon! I really love planning this way.

      ? Thanks so much, Grace! ❤️

  12. Grace | The Girl Upstairs May 21, 2017 at 6:16 pm - Reply

    I just sent my snippets! 😀

  13. Maddie May 22, 2017 at 10:22 am - Reply

    Ummm please tell me this is real life. *pinches arm* *”AH GOOD GUAC THAT HURT* ok yeah this is real. Whew, good. BECAUSE WHAT I JUST READ WAS AMAZING! Again, you execute your words so beautifully, and the way you twist emotions? UGH DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED!! I absolutely LOVED Hora’s backstory, that really was touching and helps the reader understand and feel a little more sympathy for her. And one quick tiny question: which tense and POV do you prefer when writing?

    • Madi May 24, 2017 at 8:26 pm - Reply

      ??? Maddie I’m going to choke and die of laughter soon ?

      Oh my goodness THANK YOU SO MUCH! That means SOOO much to me that you like my writings, and that you even read her backstory!! YAY! Thank you SO much Maddie!! ❤️❤️❤️ 😀 😀 😀

      Usually I only write in first person, past tense but I’ve just recently switched to present tense. At least, I hope I’m telling you right. Example–


      “My name is The Bottomless Pit and I smell like food!” I wailed.


      “My name is The Bottomless Pit and I smell like food!” I wail.

  14. Maddie May 22, 2017 at 10:24 am - Reply

    Oh, and that music? Yeah that was like through the roof amazing. Like that helped 109% when reading the intense scenes ?

    • Madi May 24, 2017 at 8:28 pm - Reply

      ??? Mega glad you liked it! I love the way music helps amp up the intensity ?

      • Maddie May 25, 2017 at 8:59 am - Reply

        Haha well please don’t choke, cause I’m many miles away and it’d take me… *yells at Mom, “Mom what’s the ETA for Florida?”* *she says 14 hours, why?”* *face palms* *plays sad violin music* *”Madi…has lived yet another beautiful day here in this world, but is currently choking her heart out, and well, needs some help.* *cuts violin music* *mom says “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?! You wanna drive to Florida and save Madi, when somebody has probably already helped her?”* *ponders* *”Good point. I guess if she choked she choked and let’s just hope Peach Fuzzy Pants came to the rescue, which if he didn’t ya’ know she’d probably just pass out and like die on the floor or something. It could be worse. Thanks for the wake up call, Mom.*

        Ok wow that was random. Pretend like nothing happened. But we all know we don’t want you to choke and die on the floor right guys? ?Anyway. About the tense and POV stuff. Ok yeah! That makes sense. I started writing a story in first person present tense, but I decided to switch it to third person. I think it just helped with my writing style, I gusss it’s different for everybody. (You’ll hear a little more details about my story in my letter, which I’ll get in the mail soon!)

        • Madi May 27, 2017 at 8:47 pm - Reply


          *gasps for air* I’M TRYING TO BREATHEEE

          I think I’ll make it.


          Haha, glad that made sense! Yeah, it’s definitely different for everybody. Writing in third person is super cool! And YAY! 😀

  15. Jessica May 22, 2017 at 1:29 pm - Reply

    That’s so exciting you did Camp NaNoWriMo! Congratulations! Your story sounds AMAZING!!! And,I loved the pictures of your post-it note plotting! 🙂


    • Madi May 24, 2017 at 8:50 pm - Reply

      Thank you SO much, Jessica! That means so much!! I’m so glad you liked them! 😀

  16. Kendall May 24, 2017 at 4:12 pm - Reply

    Madi!!!!! I am seriously sooooooooooooooo excited to read your books!! I <3 your story!!!!
    I loved this post… and I'm dying for Hinari! 😛

    As for my own work, I am better, I think, at 'pretty writing' as opposed to adventure/thriller. So, anyway, here is a snippet!

    Wet. It was the first sensation I felt when I stepped from under the store awning. Rain poured down in torrents, something I hadn’t noticed while browsing the shelves of the local used bookstore. It wasn’t unusual for me to lose myself in the haven of inky pages and old bindings. Cowering under the awning once again, I weighed my options with a sigh. Having walked into town, I didn’t have my car nearby, and to get home I’d have to run a half-mile through the deluge. Eliminating that idea, I looked around. The cafe was only a block away, but it was closed after lunch. The bookstore behind me was also locking up, it being four-thirty. The owner had to practically push me from the shop. Thinking quickly, I eliminated every option, until I remembered the new coffee shop that had just come to town to the disgust of Mia, the cafe owner. Feeling disloyal to my friend, I dashed three stores down to the coffee shop. I might as well have just gone home, I got so wet in that run. But the minute I stepped in to the coffee scented sanctuary, I didn’t want to leave. Throwing a guilty glance towards the cafe across the street, I ventured further into the darling shop, empty of patrons due to the storm. Covering the walls were pictures of coffee mugs. How something so simple could be so beautifully presented I could not figure. Every few feet, a curly-legged table stood proudly holding a vase of flowers. Flanking the tables were chairs of the same twirled metal, painted a dusty grey. At the checkout counter stretched a long bar also lined with the same chairs, these slightly taller. In one corner was a sugar and spice station, also laden with napkins and straws. In the corner closest to the street front window, two fat armchairs lounged with a coffee table between. The air was warm and thick with the aroma of espresso, chocolate and baked goods. Without my condoning it, my shopping bag slipped from my shoulder and landed on the floor beside the plushest armchair.


    Hope you like it! It's a scene in a book I'm writing called 'Fir Trees'. Don't ask, because I'M still not sure what the title means!! 😀

    LOVE your work!!

    • Madi May 24, 2017 at 10:13 pm - Reply

      Oh my goodness, YAY!! Thank you SO much!!

      Tehehe! I can’t WAIT to write book 2!! ?

      Oh my gosh, that was AMAZING! You are such a great writer, Kendall!! I loved reading that, that was EPIC! 😀

      Thank you so much again! 😀

      • Kendall May 25, 2017 at 12:00 pm - Reply

        You’re welcome! I’m reading Hora’s story right now!!! I LOVE it so far! 😀
        I can’t wait til you write it!

        Awe, thank you so much!! 😀 I have come to recognize ‘epic’ coming from you as a huge compliment! Thank you!

        • Madi May 27, 2017 at 8:50 pm - Reply

          Oh my goodness, I’m so glad! Yay! 😀

          Haha, I love using the word ‘epic’!! 😀 You’re welcome! 😀

      • Kendall May 25, 2017 at 3:27 pm - Reply

        Madi, I just finished reading Hora’s book… 0.0 0.0 0.0 There are tears in my eyes and I am flat horrified. I am assuming that is the response you hoped for? Oh my goodness though! To say that you’re an amazing writer is a HORRIFIC understatement. That book was sooo well done! And yet I hate it. 😛 The conflicting emotions are strong here. I probably should have waited to post this comment, instead of writing it 10 seconds after I read the last sentence of Hora. 🙂


        • Madi May 27, 2017 at 9:20 pm - Reply

          ??? You mean you actually read it? YAY! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

          And WOW, I’m so glad my book was that sad! XD Well, kind of glad. I’m sad that you’re sad. But at least that means I wrote good emotions. XD Thank you for reading it! And awww, thanks so much! 😀 😀 Thanks for reading it! ❤️

          • Kendall May 28, 2017 at 2:36 pm - Reply

            Yes I actually read it!!!! I was dying to!
            Lol. 🙂 I’m sad that you’re sad but I’m glad that you’re sad and that I made you sad because I was trying to make you sad! 😛
            You’re welcome! It was awesome!

            • Madi June 6, 2017 at 6:06 pm - Reply

              YAY! I’m really glad you liked it! 😀

              LOLOL! 😛 😛

              That means so much! 😀

  17. I’m not old enough to do camp. **Cries** But I am doing NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program!

    • Madi June 5, 2017 at 7:21 pm - Reply

      Oooh, the YWP is super cool! That’s awesome!

  18. Alyse June 15, 2017 at 10:10 am - Reply


    • Madi July 14, 2017 at 2:56 pm - Reply


  19. Alyse June 15, 2017 at 10:35 am - Reply


    • Madi July 14, 2017 at 2:59 pm - Reply

      OH MY GOSH I KNOW RIGHT?! Search on audioblocks.com for “epic war” and you’ll find a ton of epic tracks you can listen to. I own a license so I can download them and use them, but they let you listen to them for free. ?

  20. Reyna July 17, 2017 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    Madi, I just found your doll blog today, and then I was obsessed… and then I found THIS blog… and I was double obsessed! I love how you write and just EVERYTHING! Last Nanowrimo 2016, was my first time taking part. I didn’t do any of the camps, because I hadn’t found inspiration. But I am so happy I found this blog post! I feel a lot more inspired now with this post, thank you soooo much!!! Lol, I’m following… like NOW! 😀 xD

    • Madi July 28, 2017 at 5:15 am - Reply

      Hey, Reyna! Oh my goodness, I’m so glad you found me! I just visited your blog, it’s amazing and I can’t wait to follow! Awwww, that makes me so happy! I’m so glad! And YAY! Thanks for following! XD

      So nice to meet you!! 😀

  21. […] so surprisingly easy with these three methods I’ve discovered in writing To the Death, Hora: Everything I Never Said, and working on my scene outline. They might assist you in kicking writer’s block’s […]

  22. […] April Camp NaNoWriMo 2017 Recap […]

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