95% of Christians never tell another person about Jesus.
I still can’t wrap my mind around that. How in the world?
My eyes burn with tears as I write this. I’m not lying. This freaking breaks my heart.
So much of what Christians call “sensitivity” and “tolerance” are just excuses for cowardice and compromise.
Jesus told us to let our light shine, not smother it in the name of sensitivity.
I’m all for being sensitive and compassionate. Everything we do should be driven by love.
But love warns about sin. Sensitivity does not equal silence. If Jesus commands us to share, it’s a sin to keep quiet about Him.
Yet people still come up with excuses to justify their silence. That’s why, 2,000 years after Jesus told us to preach the Gospel to every single person, we still haven’t.
In my last post, I debunked 17 of the most common excuses people make for not telling others about Jesus.
Today, I’m going to give you 17 epic strategies to actually tell others about Him!
This post is created in answer to a question from Nina, among many other commenters from the 17 debunked excuses post. Nina wrote,
I have a question for you. I’m a Christian, too, and I would like some advice. Can you please recommend me some ways to spread the word?
Here you go, Nina, and everyone who requested this!
- Whether you know them or you don’t, online or in person; whenever someone mentions something hard is going on in their life, offer to pray for them.
- Don’t make it weird, don’t be a fruitcake, but don’t worry about suddenly sounding spiritual. Everything Jesus said was spiritual. Just mention it like it’s the most normal thing in the world to you.
- Actually take time and effectively pray for them. When I got my first few prayer requests, I wrote down each person’s name, their situation/request, custom prayer points, and Scriptures specific to their request that I prayed over them every day. Currently, my method isn’t quite that intensive since I pray for every single follower, but that’s a fantastic place to start.
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Why this is effective:
Do your friends know they can turn to you for encouragement?
One of the sweetest things people ever do for me is tell me that they’re praying for me.
I don’t post prayer requests often because I don’t like glorifying the curveballs the devil throws at me—he appreciates the glory—but when people tell me that they’re praying for me, I think my heart just melts into a little puddle of love on the floor.
Besides simply encouraging people like that, it’s a powerful witnessing opportunity. Even if people don’t believe in the One True God you’re praying to, they’ll be blessed that you offered.
When secular counselors and the sin they turn to aren’t solving their situation, they’ll want to turn to Someone Higher Who can really heal their heart.
If you seriously, fervently pray for them, things in their life will change. ?
Believe that God will wrap that depressed person you’re praying for in His loving arms and sweep them over in overwhelming peace just because you asked.
Stand in faith for life-changing encounters like that. Pray without ceasing for their salvation and for God to reveal Himself to them.
Because He’s the only One that can turn their situation around, that will open their eyes to Him.
- Don’t treat your unsaved relatives like they’re sinners. Treat them like they’re already saved and let ’em catch up to your speed!
My father did this recently with some of our relatives. While they are saved, they don’t believe in life undefeated.
They experienced some radical setbacks in their health and would talk negatively about it. There was no positivity or silver lining in their speech… at all.
So my dad had to help them out. When they pointed out the negative of their situation, my dad pointed out the positive.
Slowly, they started to catch on! When someone asked them how they were doing, they would respond that they were feeling terrible… and then quickly added positive comments. They were in pain, but they were sitting with their family, blessed to still be alive and to have support all around them.
2. When they talk about their setbacks, talk about how Jesus can bring them out of it. Don’t exclude your family. Love them into the Kingdom of God!
For example…
Relative: “I lost my job. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
You: “No worries. God can take care of that for you! He calls you blessed and highly favored. Let’s trust Him together to give you a job that blows your old one away.”

Why this is effective:
God can bless your family because of you, and use you to bless your family, even if they aren’t saved yet.
Nobody likes being left in the dust. Is there a visible difference in the way you live your life as a kick-butt follower of Jesus Christ and the way they live their lives?
There should be! (If there isn’t, here’s a list of all my posts on the subject that will help you.) You should be living the abundant life Jesus came to give you! (John 10:10)
In short, people should look at your life and go wow, whatever they have, I want it.
When they see the Truth playing out in your life—and you’re telling them that it can work in their lives too if they surrender to Jesus—they’re going to want what you have.
Remember how Jesus told us to let our light shine?
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
(Matthew 5:16)
Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.
(Philippians 2:14-15)
(I didn’t have time to include all of these Scriptures, but they are beyond epic and you should check them out: 2 Corinthians 4:6, John 1:5, 1 Peter 1:19)
You live differently than sinners do. There is a distinct line between the way children of the Kingdom of God do things and the way the world does things. Why blur it?
You don’t go to most movies? There’s no shame in that. Don’t keep it quiet.
I’m not going to see Infinity War because I don’t knowingly go see things that have two f-bombs in them. It’s worth the wait for it to come out on digital so we can filter it and I don’t have to sear my conscience.
You pray before eating? Do that in public, too. Unashamedly.
A couple weeks ago, my family and I went to a taco truck. We were planning to take our food and go, but my dad decided we would stay and eat there.
Then I realized why my dad wanted to do that; there were all kinds of people there. We joined hands and prayed for our food, not in hushed voices, but just as loud as we would if we were having a conversation.
It was a witnessing opportunity to the people around us.
I’m not going to blush and be quiet about my convictions. We’re not called to be world-followers, we’re called to be Jesus-followers.
One of my very favorite shirts is a black tee that says “JESUS” in bold, white letters on it. I get a total kick out of wearing it out to the mall and smiling at people. I even meet some fellow Christians who tell me they like my shirt!
And even though it was two sizes too big, I jumped at the chance to steal my sister’s TobyMac “LABEL ME A JESUS FREAK” shirt to P.E. class so my Muslim friends there could see.
Twice I’ve worn Christian T-shirts to my dentist. He always asks about them, and I’m able to talk to him a little about Jesus.
I’m even the kind of person who draws things like this at the paper tablecloths at Macaroni Grill:
(Romans 1:16)
Heh heh.
My point is…
- If you’re a Christian, the world better know! Loud and proud, baby.
- Lead with your actions. You don’t watch certain movies or listen to certain music? Don’t be ashamed of that. Be the example. When people start wondering why their life is going downhill and yours isn’t, your actions will speak louder than words and point them to your King.
- If you offend people, awesome. There’s no greater honor. Jesus offended people so much they wanted to kill Him, so you’re in very good company.
- Being a Christian is the best thing in the entire world. Don’t let people miss the memo. You’re a radical, full-time Christian, not a professional pew-warming Sunday morning Christian.

Why this is effective:
You’re planting seeds.
No, wearing a Christian T-shirt to the mall isn’t likely going to get someone saved right away. But living your Christian life not only in private where no one can judge you, but in public as well plants seeds.
Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
(1 Corinthians 5:8)
What you do to serve and bless others, even if you don’t get them saved right away, is planting seeds in people’s hearts.
One teen asked a businessman, “If you were to die this very second, do you know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you would go to Heaven?”
The businessman cussed the teen out and went home. But all night, he was greatly bothered by this question. He couldn’t sleep.
The next day, someone else asked him the exact same question. The businessman broke down in tears and accepted Jesus.
One person waters, another one harvests. Start planting seeds by living your undefeated life loud and proud for the glory of God.
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I have a very simple theology. It’s only four words. And yet people just can’t get this basic Theology 101 sentence down.
Good = God. Bad = devil.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father.
(James 1:17)
God is not trying to teach you a lesson with sickness. I don’t know why people believe that. Jesus took 39 stripes on His back so we could be healed. God is our Healer.
For I am the Lord who heals you.
(Exodus 15:26)
By Whose [His] stripes you were healed.
(1 Peter 2:24)
It’s in God’s best interest that you are living the most abundant life He sent His Son to give you. (John 10:10)
God’s not trying to teach you a lesson by giving you trials of this life.
He can bat any of the devil’s curveballs and turn it into something out-of-the-park awesome that will blow your mind, but God didn’t pitch the curveball.
It hurts my heart when people say things like:
“God just seems so far away.”
“God’s just using this hardship to teach me a lesson.”
“I don’t want to be sick, but if that’s God’s will, I’ll accept it.”
(Then why go to the doctor and take medicine? Fighting against “God’s will”, really?)
God has nothing planned for you but hope, prosperity, and blessing!
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)
I didn’t write that, that’s in the Bible! If people don’t like it, they can get mad at God, not me. It blows my mind how people can twist something so simple.
In the words of God’s Not Dead… God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good!
- Talk about God like He’s the best thing ever because, breaking news: He is!
- Don’t mix things up. Credit God for the good He’s done and is doing in your life. Brag about Him. Make Jesus famous! Don’t glorify the bad things happening in your life. The devil wants all the credit and attention he can get. Kick his butt by lifting Jesus up higher and smashing him lower.
- Talk about the good things God is doing/can do in their life, too. God can turn their situation around. Jesus is still in the miracle-working business. It’s not over for them. When they don’t have the answers, tell them those things.
Why this is effective:
Badmouthing God hurts people and discourages them from turning to Him.
Who wants to get saved only to have God bash you over the head with sickness to teach you a lesson and be “far away” when you need Him most?
Hogwash! People have twisted ideas of God. Set ’em straight through your words and life. God’s never done anything for you but good things. When it comes to God, all He gives you is good news.
See, I happen to like chocolate.
I mean, I really like chocolate. It tastes amazing in my mouth. I want other people to experience the yumminess of chocolate with me. If I talk about chocolate like it’s amazing, people are going to want some of it, too!
People gravitate toward hope. It’s in human nature. Jesus is our Hope, not our harm, so let people know.
Patience is not only a virtue; it’s a fruit of the Spirit.
I have friendships with Wiccans, homosexuals, and Muslims. I didn’t even reach out to them first; they were attracted by the love of God in my life and reached out to be friends with me!
None of them have gotten saved right away, and that’s okay, because I never give up on anyone.
I will keep loving them even if they never let Jesus touch their hearts and change their lives. I’ll never stop being the person in their life they can turn to for help and support.
It’s what I do for a living. I literally had the following conversation with someone:
Person: I write smut. I need to re-evaluate my life.
Me: If you’re serious, reach out to me at lifeundefeated.org. I help people re-evaluate their lives for a living.
Person: Wow, thanks. I’ll consider it.
- Keep building the relationship. If they don’t accept Jesus right away, don’t give up! Keep loving them. Keep letting your light shine and keep bragging about God (not incessantly or randomly… we’re not fruitcakes).
- Don’t force it. If people reject Jesus, don’t shove the Gospel down their throats. Let your life prove them wrong. There’s nothing preachy or pushy about real life. Keep going after God with all you have and live your life in a way that makes Jesus proud.
Why this is effective:
The first time I shared Jesus with my Wiccan friend, she made it clear to me that she was not interested. I kind of got the vibe that Christians had hurt her with their pushy religious methods.
Had I kept pushing her to get saved, I would’ve lost the chance forever.
Instead? I keep encouraging her and praying for her. She lives a horrible life. I was so burdened for her, I couldn’t stop praying for her until I was able to keep from crying one night.
Just like our first strategy, I tell her that I’m praying for her. Boy, does that ever make her feel better. Her words instantly change. She’s blessed by that, even if she doesn’t believe in Whom I’m praying to.
It can be slow-going. But it will be worth it. Keep being patient with your unsaved friends and family and never give up on them.
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not give up.
(Galatians 6:9)
- Walk up to someone and ask them, “Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?”
- Memorize this script or simply read it to them.
I’ve done this with about a hundred people, and it’s the most effective in-real-life method I’ve ever used!
While it may be nerve-wracking to walk up to a complete stranger, remember those reasons we debunked a couple weeks ago?
God will give you the boldness to overcome any shyness, nervousness, worry or fear.
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
(Isaiah 26:3)
There’s nothing about your nervousness that Jesus can’t help you overcome to reach someone and tell them about Him.
This is easiest at a park where are a lot of kids and their parents are. Kids are extremely receptive, and their parents are usually nice, too.
Why this is effective:
The script starts a conversation.
When I was part of the leadership team in our kid’s church, we were all sitting around and trying to answer the pastor’s question about the number one reason why the script was so effective.
After a lot of suggestions, I shyly raised my hand. “It starts a conversation.”
I was correct.
You start the conversation off with a simple question; “Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?”
Whatever they say, you continue with the script, launching into the next question. You can choose what you say next based on their answer.
My favorite part about this script is that I don’t have to wing it.
My very first evangelistic methods as a newly-saved seven-year-old involved walking up to kids at the park and asking them if they wanted to hear a true story and then spewing out random things Jesus did.
Yawn. I’m trying to play tag, girl.
With the script, you have a clear direction. You don’t even need to memorize it—you can just show it to them while you read it aloud.
You’re giving them the Word of God, which plants a powerful seed in their hearts. You are directly facing them with the question of where they will spend eternity.
If they can’t say with confidence that they’re going to Heaven because they have Jesus in their hearts, you get to help them!
You get right to the heart of the problem, give them the opportunity to get saved, and most likely lead them in the salvation prayer in about 90 seconds.
And all of Heaven rejoices.
- Get permission to sign up to help with an outreach at your church.
Of course, the strategy and effectiveness will depend on the outreach you sign up for.
But no matter what part you play in helping, you’re still a vital part to the outreach and are making just as much of a difference as maybe the people preaching or adults doing some of the “bigger” stuff. Remember how different people water and harvest, but we all play a part?
But if your church doesn’t win souls… why not create your own outreach? ?
The strategy will depend on what you decide to do, but here’s what I recommend.
- Get a committed group of people or friends to do this with you, because it’s very much a team effort.
- Pick a venue, like a pavilion at the park, to hold your outreach.
- Raid your closets/toy boxes/cool-thingy-stashes for brand-new items to give away, or take up a donation. Collect all kinds of things; money, gift cards, toys, clothes, etc. Make sure everything is in brand-new or, if it’s clothing, almost-new condition. You’re going to be giving away this stuff at the outreach.
- Create flyers advertising a giveaway of everything you’re giving away, and the time, date, and place where the outreach will be held.
- Start the event with some praise music while people get there. You can just hook up praise videos off of YouTube or your phone to big speakers while your team members sing along to them.
- Give everyone a raffle ticket during the music.
- Certain members of your group will share personal testimonies of how Jesus saved them (you can, too).
- Give a salvation call. Invite everyone to come forward around where you’re speaking and give their lives to Jesus. One of your team members will count everyone who came forward while you lead them in a salvation prayer.
- Give away all that stuff using the raffle tickets.
Why this is effective:
My church holds these outreaches all the time, and they’re incredibly effective for drawing in large crowds of people and speaking to them all at once.
The first thing to do, of course, is to start a Bible study. But once you’ve got one…
- Invite all those people you led to the Lord to it.
- Enlist these excited new Christians to go on outreaches with you or go soulwinning at the park with you. Newly-saved people are excited. If they’re really, truly saved, they’re going to want to tell everybody!
Why this is effective:
If you get two people saved, and they each get one other person saved and invite them to the Bible study, you went from two to four new people in it.
And if those four people each get someone else saved and invite them to the study, now you’ve got eight.
Can you imagine how fast your study will grow?
When it gets big enough, it can split and grow into multiple studies, each telling more and more people about Jesus and adding more and more new Christians to its fellowship.
You could take over your entire city. 😮
I have a heart for people all over the world. Until I’m old enough to hop on a plane and fly there, guess what I can do until then?
Let the internet carry the Gospel in nations I can’t go yet.
My evangelistic video The Goodbye, which clearly preaches the Gospel, has been viewed in countries where preaching the Gospel is punishable by death.
I can’t go to those places yet. But there ain’t no stopping the internet!
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you already have a blog so you know how to start one, or you at least have an idea of how to create one already, so I won’t go into the blog setup tutorial.
- Pray and ask God what direction He wants to take with this blog. Will this blog reach out to non-Christians? Teenagers? Will it address a specific topic, like purity or joy? Will it be your personal lifestyle blog and you post the educational faith post?
- Stay focused on what He leads you to do. When I first started this blog, I had a specific purpose in my heart for it, but quickly varied that purpose with posts about my personal life or hobbies. There’s nothing wrong with those kinds of posts, but they were not what God had in mind for this blog. I had to bring it back to its focus: kicking the butt of everything Jesus defeated.
- Follow His lead and educate yourself on blog-growing tactics. Grow that thing so fast the cops ask why you’re speeding! Reach as many people as you can.
- Don’t back down or recant. Sure, you’re opening yourself up for persecution, but they persecuted the prophets and Jesus, so you’re in great company. If you take a stand for the Truth, don’t step off of it to tickle people’s ears.
Depending on what you choose, your effect will be different. I haven’t yet seen a Christian blog that’s reached out to non-Christians, but I’ll bet they’re out there.
Why this is effective:
You will expand your reach to places you could never go all at once.
Maybe someone in Australia desperately needs to hear what God’s put on your heart to say. And because it’s on the world wide web, they can hear it!
You’ll have the ability to connect with and minister to people all around the world.
Thank God for the internet.
My website for doll collectors is not a Christian blog. It’s not Christian World of Dolls, it’s Delightful World of Dolls.
Do I still post about Jesus without the slightest bit of abashment?
You betcha! My dolls are characters in stories that lead readers to the Answer to all life’s problems. I was doing that before I ever came at it with a ministry perspective.
But the very first thing I did to actively get people saved was set up this page, which does exactly what that script we discussed in strategy #6 does (I copied it word-for-word); it instantly faces them with eternity and gives them the opportunity to receive Jesus.
- Create a page on your menu with a cool, catchy title. My doll website’s page title is The Greatest Gift, and this site’s page title is Life.
- Copy and paste that script onto it. You can add pictures or separate the text to make it easier to read.
- Create a poll in Polldaddy to put at the end so people can let you know they prayed the prayer.
Why this is effective:
For just a few minutes of effort, over 200 people have given their lives to Jesus using those pages since late 2016.
The page stays preaching while you’re sleeping. It’s able to be viewed anytime.
First-time visitors check out the most prominent pages when they visit your blog for the first time, so a page with a unique, catchy title is one of the most likely to be visited.
The best part is that you get this unique opportunity to directly ask them where they’re going to spend their eternity without warding off non-Christians immediately with obviously Christian posts.
I’m a fiction writer. I happen to love plot twists.
Except in this case, you don’t want to foreshadow it!
<< This is only for if your blog is not completely about Jesus. >>
- Create a unique outreach-type post in which you share the Gospel in some way. Don’t give away that it’s a Christian post in the title. Build up to that. You could be writing a post about depression and then tell everyone the Cure for it. Or share about your personal story of how Jesus saved you. Make it unique, believable, and non-preachy.
- Choose a day to share it. Preferably not on Easter, Good Friday, or Christmas. It’ll ruin the whole plot-twist affect. People can see stuff like that coming from a mile away.
- Ignore the hate. Especially if it’s your first time posting about Jesus on your blog. Keep a thick skin but loving heart towards people whose own hearts are hardened to the Truth.

Why this is effective:
Because your blog isn’t completely about Jesus, you’ll attract many followers who are not Christians.
Because of that, you have a unique opportunity to reach out to all of them at once.
Sure, you’ll probably lose followers. And sure, you won’t be able to do this as often because once you post about Jesus, your audience will expect more posts like this coming; it’s got to be rare.
But if even one person is touched by the love of God through your post, it’s worth it.
Very similarly to creating a blog, you can do the same with a YouTube channel.
- Pray and ask God what direction He wants to take with this channel. Will this channel reach out to non-Christians? Teenagers? Will it address a specific topic, like purity or joy? Will it be your personal lifestyle channel and you post the educational faith video?
- Stay focused on what He leads you to do. Stay with the specific focus He gives you.
- Follow His lead and educate yourself on channel-growing tactics. Grow that thing so fast the cops ask why you’re speeding! Reach as many people as you can.
- Don’t back down or recant. Persecution on YouTube is among the worst online persecution. The Goodbye received persecution from YouTube moderators themselves! Let’s not mention the profane insults. But just as with a blog, they persecuted the prophets and Jesus, so you’re in great company. Whether they agree or they don’t, at least their beliefs are now challenged and the seed is now planted. I like putting stuff out there that challenges people.
Why this is effective:
Just as with a blog, you will expand your reach to places you could never go all at once.
The video I mentioned has been viewed in countries where preaching the Gospel is punishable by death.
What an incredible venue God has given us to reach the nations. The internet is great!
Miscellaneous other ways that can’t be too pinned down to a certain thingy.
The devil hates it when Christians do amazing thing for God’s glory. He’s on a mission to make God look bad, and these darn Christians keep proving him wrong!
Take a look at all of the talented secular music artists or actors out there. God gave them gifts and talents but they’ve chosen to glorify the devil with them instead.
As a result, their lives spiral downwards to hell. Every time.
We’ve got to rise up and do what we do for a higher purpose than ourselves. When God gets the glory, the sinner’s ceiling is our floor.
- Pray and ask for direction. Does God have bigger plans for your current passion/gift/hobby than you do? See examples here and here.
- Evaluate. What can you tweak about what you do or its end goal to impact others for eternity?
- Take action. Don’t let all the planning and praying go to waste. It can be a little nerve-wracking, but no one’s ever changed lives without wracking a few nerves. Get out there and start impacting lives for Jesus!
I did this with my doll website.
It wasn’t like I kept Jesus out of it, but around late 2016, I started viewing it as a ministry.
Since then, I’ve been able to lead hundreds of doll-lovers to the Lord. There’s no greater honor!
Why this is effective:
Your passion is usually what you do.
If you just love art, you’re probably spending the majority of your free time working on art projects.
And no matter what your passion is, you can turn it into a ministry to radically impact others.
In fact, God gives us those passions. It’s no coincidence that I love to blog. God gave me that passion so I could reach others with it and have the time of my life doing so!
Besides the fact that being in the ministry is the best job in the world (quick heads up; all Christians are called to the ministry), it’ll barely even feel like work when we use our passions to share Jesus.
Make the impact you’re already making through your passions one that will last for eternity.
See my following posts for more detailed info: Will What You’re Doing Count for Eternity?, 10 Ways to Kick the Devil’s Butt in Your Everyday Life – #2
Opportunities like this could vary a million different ways. If you feel prompted in your heart to do something to share Jesus with someone else, don’t hesitate. Do it!
- Be sensitive to the lead of the Holy Spirit. The easiest way to hear God twice is to obey Him once. Always obey His voice so you can hear Him clearly.
- Do what He tells you to do right when He tells you to do it. Delayed obedience is disobedience. If God tells you to do something, the right time to do it is when He says!
- Fear looks. Faith jumps. I like giving myself plenty of time to think things through before I do them. But more often than not, I’m just running all the negative outcomes through my mind out of fear. When God says go, don’t hesitate. Follow His plan instead of trying to formulate one yourself.
I remember one time I was at a water park with my friends and we were climbing the stairs to a water ride. On the halfway landing, a teenage girl stood alone.
My heart was thumping out of my chest. I should tell her about Jesus. But the line was moving faster, and I didn’t want to talk to someone I didn’t know. I kept thinking about it. I was afraid.
But God told me to. So I put my pride in my pocket and asked people to excuse me as I plodded down the stairs to the halfway point.
“Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?
Turns out, someone had. She was already a Christian. But her face lit up. God obviously had a reason for sending me to tell her that.
Who knows? Maybe she felt alone in her faith. Maybe she was facing persecution. Maybe she was doubting God.
Had I not obeyed God, who knows what could’ve happened?
Why this is effective:
As for God, His way is perfect.
(2 Samuel 22:31)
Sometimes—most of the time, actually—okay, all the time—God’s way isn’t what we can imagine.
Write down ten ways you think God will do something and He’ll pick number 11. He’s just that kind of God!
God knows things we don’t. He knew what that girl on the halfway landing of the water slide needed.
On my own, I wouldn’t have walked up to her. But the Holy Spirit had a reason for leading me to her.
Trusting God to direct and guide our paths is far more powerful than leaning into our own strength.
If we can follow His lead and prompting to share the Gospel, there’s no telling what amazing things will come out of it.
This is pretty obvious and doesn’t need too much of an explanation.
God has tons of ways for you to share. Why not ask Him directly?
Under normal circumstances, opportunities are not going to come to you. But when they do, it’s pretty great!
- Jump at the chance to share the Gospel. My dad was in line at the store once and the cashier told him that she was in pain, so he prayed for her. It was a powerful witness of the power of God and His love for her.
- Don’t think too much about it. Fear looks, faith jumps, remember? I love Nike’s slogan Just Do It. If you get to thinking too much about what you’re going to do, the devil will quickly try to smother your enthusiasm. No, the cashier is busy. The line is long. You might make her uncomfortable. Nonsense. Jump out and just do it!
Why this is effective:
We all need a little spontaneity and adventure in our lives, even if we don’t always like it.
We can’t plan for a sick person to be walking across our path. That just happens. But we can take advantage of that opportunity and use it to share the Gospel and pray for them.
I didn’t plan for Muslims to go to the same P.E. class with me; that just happened. (Or perhaps God made our paths cross!) I was able to use that unexpected opportunity to share the Gospel with them.
Unique opportunities are literally everywhere. That’s just life.
My creative subtitling skills are exemplary, I know. Take notes.
No matter who we are, where we are, or how old we are, there is something each of us can do to further the Great Commission and share the Gospel.
We have no excuse. Shining our light is one of the reasons God put us here on the earth.
Here’s to slapping the devil upside the head in every angle with these 17 epic strategies to snatch souls from the jaws of hell and bring ’em into the Kingdom of Heaven!
P.S. This typo, guys. XD “This is how you flirt and convert. Write down a Scripture on a table at Macaroni Grill to see if the cute person next to you will notice and is Christian.” Just kidding, just kidding. ?
Madi, this is so awesome! 🙂 I am planing on making a personal blog and doing a detailed gospel page. I also am hoping to cite scripture in many of my posts, so it makes me so excited that you recommended that.
Also: “flirt and convert” ?
Thank you so much, Jewel! And oh my goodness, I’m so excited for your personal blog and Gospel page — that will be so awesome! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help promote it.
“God is not trying to teach you a lesson with sickness. I don’t know why people believe that. Jesus took 39 stripes on His back so we could be healed. God is our Healer.”
It makes me so sad when people say that God gave them their cancer / chronic pain / whatever.
But anyway, this is a great post. I can see you put a lot of effort into it. 🙂
YES, it’s so heartbreaking! Thanks so much for commenting, Germaine! <3
I love these strategies! Thank you for sharing, I have a hard time telling people about Jesus.
Thank you so much, AGs in Alaska! Same here — I always have to push myself out of my comfort zone. XD (But it’s worth it!)
Thanks for all the tips! ?
And thanks for commenting! ☺️
You don’t know how badly I needed to read this! I really struggle with sharing the gospel, and I can’t name all the excuses I’ve had for not doing it. So thank you for the strategies! <3
xx, Sarah Beth
Aww, I’m so glad you liked this! I hope many lives are touched through yours! <3
I loved this post, Madi!
I have a friend that I facetime that I don’t think knows Jesus. I’m going to call her right now and use the script!
Eeeek, I’m so excited for you! Let me know how it goes!
I will!
Ok, so I FaceTimed her and gave her the link to my blog, but I don’t think she wrote it down or anything…I haven’t talked to her in a while so we mostly just caught up on recent happenings and stuff. Next time I’ll probably use the script to talk to her. 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me, Madi! God is definitely using you to help fulfill the Great Commision! Another one of my favorite ways to spread God’s word is to write ‘Jesus loves you’ or something like that in sidewalk chalk.
I hope she checks your blog out; your posts are awesome! I really hope you’re able to get her saved, too!
Awwww, that means so much! <3 Haha yes, I LOVE doing that! (One time I was at a restaurant and they had a chalkboard for kids so I was writing Scripture verses on it and some obviously non-Christians literally came and erased it. So I grabbed a chair, stood on it, and wrote it at the top where no one could erase it. XD)
Aw, thanks! 🙂
Madi that was so good! Wonderful ideas! I love wearing my Hillsong T-shirt to random places!
Thank you so much, Hannah! Ooh, I love Hillsong; their worship music is beautiful!
ayyyyyyyyyyy, thank you for this. my relatives are a huge mess, I’ve always loved them to death, but I always got sad, confused, and scared whenever they started talking about their lives, because they took such mood changes. For smiling and absolutely delighted to have us and playing with us, to gloomy faces and dull tones, when I could hear good bits in the stories they were telling and had just completely skipped over. It was only three, four years ago when I realized that they weren’t saved, and that that was probably why they were so pessimistic. (that’s the right word, right?)
Most crazily, ~Olive
My pleasure, seriously. I hope God uses you to touch your relatives’ lives — you are such a light! ❤️
I KNOWWWW I WAS SO SAD, I WANTED TO SEE IT SO BAD! I’ve heard that they cut them out, though, so you might want to double-check? The info differs on what’s really in there so I’m just staying on the safe side. XD
I didn’t actually hear those words then I saw Infinity War…maybe I wasn’t listening…it’s quite possible O_O
Ohh, maybe I got my facts wrong then. O_O
I’m totally going to use these tips! I have always wanted to tell others in person about Jesus, but I never really knew how. I made a AGSM about the true meaning of Christmas and Jesus’s Gift, but that was basically it. Now I can tell people in person.
And where did you get that Jesus T-shirt? I love it so much!
Also, I love that saying on the TobyMac shirt. He’s one of my favorite artists!
YAY! I hope you’re able to tell a ton of people! AGSMs are an awesome way to share the Gospel, too.
I actually got it from my church! They made it for an outreach my sister helped with and she gave the shirt to me. XD Though I’m sure you could find similar shirts online.
Yes, TobyMac is so awesome!
Thank you so much, Madi! This really helped! I currently go to an all Christian middle school, but I am planing on going to a public high school. This will really help me in the future! Thank again!
That’s so exciting; high school is one of the greatest mission fields! I hope you’re able to touch many, many lives for Jesus! Thanks so much for commenting! <3
Whoops, sorry, there are a few words in there that I don’t think are spelled right. Sorry about that! (I’m apologizing because it really bugs me when people don’t spell their words correctly XD)
LOL, no worries! XD
Omw, I loved this so much!! I will definitely be putting these tips to practice… this was so helpful!!
And while that tablecloth was totally awesome, the typo was even greater! XD I laughed so hard!
Aww, thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked it!
LOL YES! I just sat at my computer cracking up. I don’t even know how I typed that. XD
Yes this post was a m a z i n g! 😀
Aww, thanks so much, Starling! 😀
This post was awesome! It is a lot to think about so I am reading it in bits. Where did you get your Jesus tee-shirt?
Thanks, Jayne! No worries, take your time; it is over 6,000 words. XD I actually got it from my church, but I’m sure you can find very similar shirts online.
whoaa these are some really helpful tips!! love them! 🙂
Thank you so much, Carol! <3
(I sent you an email, did you get it? No pressure if you have; just making sure my email address isn't going wonky on me again ?)
Unfortunately I did not get it and it’s not in my spam either. 🙁
Oh no! :/ *spanks my bad email address* I’ll re-send it right away; so sorry!
You naughty email!??
Thanks! I got it and just emailed you back!?
?? Yay, I got it and replied! Don’t know what happened with my original email, so sorry… ?
Lolol it’s all good girl 😉
Madi, this is fantastic! Evangelism is probably one of the things I struggle with the most and this is SO practical and helpful. Taking notes 😉
I do have a concern about one thing you said – under point #4, that God’s will for our lives is always prosperity and blessing. I absolutely agree with you that, most of the time, hardship and sickness isn’t God “teaching us a lesson”, and that is such a harmful attitude to have. I do believe, however, that God is in control of ALL things, and that when hardship or sickness comes it is part of a greater plan that He has for our life. Maybe I took it in a way you didn’t mean – I don’t know? It just sounded a little too close to the “prosperity gospel” for me and I wanted to clarify what you meant.
Awww, thank you so much, Grace! I am sooo glad you liked it, and thanks for commenting! <3
To clarify my meaning for point #4, I do preach the "prosperity gospel" and don't believe any hardship or sickness is from God, but from our enemy the devil, and we have the authority from Jesus to overcome it since He already defeated it. I hope that clears my meaning up!
Hey Madi!
This is a fantastic post with some really good tips for sharing the gospel more boldly with people… thanks for putting it together! The graphics you created are amazing!
I have a question for you, though, about what you said in response to Graceevalyn’s comment above about point #4, which I also was wondering about. You said that you do preach the “prosperity gospel”…. so do you believe that we shouldn’t have to suffer for the sake of the gospel and for Christ? God does not send hardships to punish us- not at all- but the Bible is very clear that we WILL encounter many hardships in this world, and that suffering for His sake is a mark of a true believer (Matthew 10:22, Philippians 1:29, among others). We also encounter many “tests” of our faith that often include difficult circumstances, and though God does not tempt anyone, it’s evident that He does test us through hard circumstances. The good news is that He gives us the strength and power to endure and defeat these trials, but that doesn’t mean that aren’t real or a part of our walk with Him. God IS good all the time but His ways aren’t always our ways!
I’m not at all trying to put down your wonderful post at all, or seem argumentative, I was just wondering if you could clarify just a bit more what you believe about this. (And I didn’t mean to write a book either….sorry! xD)
//Emily xx
Thank you so much, Emily! I’m so glad you liked the post!
I believe it’s absolutely normal to go through hardships (Jesus promised us that), but it’s unscriptural to be defeated by them.
I hope that clarifies my meaning, and thanks again for commenting!
Okay. So do you believe that God isn’t in control of sickness and hardship then? Because isn’t he ultimately in control of everything?
I don’t believe God is in control of everything. He gave man free will and doesn’t make their choices for them, nor does He make the devil’s choices to give us sickness or hardship.
Thank you for doing this post, Madi! 🙂
And thank you for your lovely comment!
Madi, you are sincerely now officially a role model of mine. I’m really bad at not being a people-pleaser so I’m trying to work on that. It’s quite difficult, but it’s getting better. This post…it’s just packed to the brim with epicness and perfection.
Awww, Enni, that melts my heart! It is difficult — being a people-pleaser is something I have to overcome, too! Keep on being awesome. ?
I’m glad it did! <3 Awww, thanks. 🙂
Thanks for this Madi! I loved it and it has gotten me thinking about how to use these in my life.
Loved the typo too. XD
Thanks so much, Emily! HAHA, I still crack up about it. XD