10 Ways to Kick the Devil’s Butt in Your Everyday Life – #2

It’s Punday Monday!



That’s what I get for trying to start off a post by cracking a joke.

Okay, moving on. Last week, I kicked off Mondays with Madi with the first way to kick the devil’s butt in your everyday life. Click here to read that!

Continuing with the series, I can’t wait to talk about the second way to kick the devil’s butt in your everyday life! Anybody ready to read on how to…

2. Glorify God through Your Gifts and Hobbies

Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

I touched a little bit on this in my Finding Your God-Given Purpose post. We can glorify God through our gifts and talents He’s given us and the hobbies we like to do!

Once in a while there are Christian football players who give glory to God when they win the Superbowl, or Christian champion gymnasts who win a gold medal, but we can have just as much of an impact on peoples’ lives and continue to kick the devil’s butt everyday! We need to glorify God and shine a light into our own communities / realm of influence as we live our life everyday.

I have a ton of examples – I literally spent an entire afternoon giving my dad different careers and asking him how someone would glorify God doing that (literally – from park rangers to car mechanics), so if you’re curious about how to glorify God doing anything, just ask. ?

Let’s say you have a hobby of blogging – you could glorify God through this by running a family-friendly, God-honoring blog. (An example would be what I am doing with my other blog, Delightful World of Dolls. It is about my hobby of doll collecting – to have a safe, fun site for doll lovers of all ages, I have a page that shares the Gospel and a prayer of salvation for people who want to get saved can pray, and 100% of my ad revenue goes to world missions.)

“God-honoring stuff should be the best stuff out there.”

Have a gift of writing? Write clean material that’s awesomeGod-honoring stuff should be the best stuff out there. Janette Oke is one example of a wonderful Christian author. 

Like to act in or direct films? Take the Kendrick brothers for example! They make epic, clean, God-honoring entertainment that is successful in Hollywood (the goal of every movie doesn’t have to be getting people saved, even – just God-honoring).

What about those in the business industry? Take Christian business owners being generous and supporting ministries with their money and resources to see people saved, for example – God will bless that and their business!

What about teachers? My former children’s pastor’s wife is an example. She has the responsibility of teaching kids that could grow up to be nation shakers – the next generation of devil butt-kickers!

Literally, the list of examples could go on and on! We can use our passions, hobbies, gifts and talents to glorify God and inspire others to do the same. A lot of what’s listed above are things you can do to glorify God when you’re older (directing films, teaching, etc.) and have found your purpose, but like I said in my post about finding your God-given purpose — when we just focus on loving God and loving others, putting God first and foremost above everything else, and glorifying Him through what we do, everything else will fall into place!

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him [glorifying God through your gifts and hobbies!], and He shall direct your paths.”

^ My emphasis in brackets.

The devil hates it when we do amazing things for the glory of God. Look at all of the talented secular music artists or actors out there – God gave them gifts and talents but they’ve chosen not to glorify Him through it. You can watch their lives go in a downwards spiral time and time again.

We’ve got to rise up and do what we do for a higher purpose than ourselves – and glorify God through everything we do. The devil hates that!

May this be the best devil butt-kicking week of your life!
Much love,

By |2017-04-10T12:40:12-04:00April 10th, 2017|Butt-Kicking, Mondays with Madi|27 Comments

About the Author:

I'm Madi: blogger, writer, doll collector, and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more about me here and this blog here.


  1. Olive April 10, 2017 at 3:52 pm - Reply


    • Madi April 10, 2017 at 5:34 pm - Reply


      JK, thank you. XD

  2. Rebekah April 10, 2017 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the inspiration! I’m still trying to figure out how to use my talents for God.

    • Madi April 10, 2017 at 6:04 pm - Reply

      Aw, thank you for commenting! Haha, I have a billion ideas, so if you’re ever curious on how you can use any talent for God, just ask! XD

  3. Maddie April 10, 2017 at 4:25 pm - Reply

    Once again, you’ve left me in awe with your inspiring and heart felt God given words. Awesome post Madi! ❤️ Oh and yeah!! Punday Monday baby!!! At least you tried…

    • Madi April 10, 2017 at 6:11 pm - Reply

      Aww, thank you so much, Maddie! That means so much! ❤️ Yeah, I tried… and failed not-so-epically ? XD

  4. From a Doll's Perspective (Anna) April 10, 2017 at 4:38 pm - Reply

    This is awesome!

    • Madi April 10, 2017 at 6:12 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much!

  5. Josie April 10, 2017 at 5:00 pm - Reply

    Madi what did I tell you about that pun Yay for the next MWM! I’m happy to sing at my church in many ways. My dad also created a Christian media company (which is actually how he met my mom, so you could say it’s the reason I’m alive), that being one of the reasons, and my brother and I get to go cross-country (sorta) to film part of a documentary on Christain films. I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to use my writing for God’s purpose since I’m not talented enough yet to incorporate it in my writings as a major theme.
    Long comment, but here’s a thought provoking quote I feel is related to this: If you were accused of being a Christain, would there be enough evidence to prove it?

    • Madi April 10, 2017 at 6:21 pm - Reply

      You told me NOOO but I disobeyeddd

      Thanks so much! Oh my goodness, that is SO cool! I bet that is so much fun! Oh, and using writing for God’s glory doesn’t have to mean incorporating a big faith theme in every book, just having clean content that honors Him (though seriously, I’d beg to differ that you are very talented enough, because your writing is amaaaaazing XD)

      Amen to that quote! I always get sad when I go to people’s blogs and never find out that they’re a Christian until they mention it in their About page. 🙁 That quote in my own words is: “Repping Jesus 24/7, baby ?”

  6. CutePolarBear April 10, 2017 at 5:41 pm - Reply

    Another great post of encouragement! Thanks so much, Madi. 🙂


    • Madi April 14, 2017 at 10:15 am - Reply

      Aw, thank you so much, CutePolarBear! 😀

  7. Thegeckoonline April 10, 2017 at 7:40 pm - Reply

    I approve the pun ?
    Great advice again!

    • Madi April 14, 2017 at 10:17 am - Reply

      Ahaha thank you ?
      Thank you! 😀

  8. sara?☺???????????? April 10, 2017 at 9:42 pm - Reply

    Ones again! another successful job!!
    Keep up the AWESOME work!!?????????????

    • Madi April 14, 2017 at 10:18 am - Reply

      Thank you so much, Sara!

  9. sara?☺???????????? April 14, 2017 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    YOURWELCOME!!!!!SOOOO!!!!MUCH!!!! MADISON!!!! ???????
    I seriously can’t wait to see you!!!!!????

    • Madi April 14, 2017 at 1:16 pm - Reply

      I can’t wait to see you either!!

  10. Olivia Bell (aka Livy) April 14, 2017 at 6:09 pm - Reply

    This was amazingly inspiring, I really loved it! That’s what I do, I strive to glorify God in everything I do, my writings, my business, my everything! Thanks for this, Maddi!

    Let’s kick that devil’s but!!!!! 😀

    • Madi April 16, 2017 at 5:20 pm - Reply

      Aw, I am so glad! Isn’t it so awesome to glorify God through things we do? Aw, thanks so much for commenting!

      Let’s do it!! 😀

  11. Daisy April 15, 2017 at 10:44 pm - Reply




    • Madi April 16, 2017 at 6:14 pm - Reply

      *pumps fist dramatically in air*

  12. Light4theLord April 18, 2017 at 3:35 pm - Reply

    I love it! That’s one of the best ways… 😀
    ~ Light4theLord

    • Madi April 21, 2017 at 1:29 pm - Reply

      Amen! 😀

  13. Daisymermaid April 19, 2017 at 8:43 pm - Reply

    How could I do this though photography?

    • Madi April 23, 2017 at 4:56 pm - Reply

      As a kid, you would work on spending time developing your photography skills and putting in the work. Then, when you’re old enough to start a photography business or do shoots for money, you’d do an awesome job for Jesus and be generous to churches and ministries with your proceeds (God will bless that and your business BIG time!!). And you could use your skills to help churches and ministers that need photography stuff done, and then set a standard for your photography that you only take pictures in a way that is clean and wholesome and that glorifies God. And as you dedicate your photography to God, He’ll take you places you never even dreamed of! It wouldn’t surprise me if God gave you new ideas and new techniques no one’s ever even thought of in photography before! The world has yet to see what God can do with a girl nicknamed Blue who is fully committed to Him. ?

  14. […] Pray and ask for direction. Does God have bigger plans for your current passion/gift/hobby than you do? See examples here and here. […]

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